
类别:文学名著 作者:奥斯卡·王尔德 本章:忠实的朋友













































































































































































































































    One morning ter-rat put  of his hole.  he had

    brigiff grey wail was like a

    long bit of black india-rubber.  ttle ducks were swimming

    about in t like a lot of yellow canaries, and

    te rying to

    teaco stand on ter.

    quot;You  society unless you can stand on your

    ; s saying to then she showed

    t  ttle ducks paid no attention to

    t knoage

    it is to be in society at all.

    quot; disobedient c; cried ter-rat; quot;they really

    deserve to be dro;

    quot;Not; ans;every one must make a

    beginning, and parents cannot be too patient.quot;

    quot;A ts,quot; said ter-

    rat; quot;I am not a family man.  In fact, I have never been married,

    and I never intend to be.  Love is all very s

    friendshe world

    t is eited friends;

    quot;And ies of a devoted friend?quot;

    asked a Green Linnet, ree hard by, and


    quot;Yes, t is just  to kno; said the Duck; and she

    so tood upon her head, in order

    to give her children a good example.

    quot; a silly question!quot; cried ter-rat.  quot;I s my

    devoted friend to be devoted to me, of course.quot;

    quot;And urn?quot; said ttle bird, swinging

    upon a silver spray, and flapping iny wings.

    quot;I dont understand you,quot; anser-rat.

    quot;Let me tell you a story on t,quot; said t.

    quot;Is tory about me?quot; asked ter-rat.  quot;If so, I will

    listen to it, for I am extremely fond of fiction.quot;

    quot;It is applicable to you,quot; ans; and he flew down,

    and aligold tory of ted


    quot;Once upon a time,quot; said t, quot;t little

    fellow named ;

    quot;as inguis; asked ter-rat.

    quot;No,quot; ans, quot;I dont tinguis

    all, except for , and his funny round good-humoured

    face.  iny cottage all by himself, and every day he

    here was no garden

    so lovely as -here, and Gilly-flowers, and

    Shere were damask

    Roses, and yellos

    and he

    Cohe Clove-Pink

    bloomed or blossomed in t by,

    one floaking anot there were always

    beautiful to look at, and pleasant odours to smell.

    quot;Little  many friends, but t devoted friend

    of all he rich

    Miller to little  be would never go by

    leaning over the wall and plucking a large nosegay, or a handful of

    s s


    quot;Real friends she Miller used

    to say, and little  very proud of

    h such noble ideas.

    quot;Sometimes, indeed, t it strange t the rich

    Miller never gave little urn, though he had a

    ored away in his mill, and six milch cows,

    and a large flock of woolly s roubled his head

    about ter pleasure to

    listen to all to say about the

    unselfisrue friendship.

    quot;So little he

    summer, and tumn  wer came,

    and  or floo bring to t, he suffered

    a good deal from cold and en o go to bed

    any supper but a fehe

    er, also, remely lonely, as to

    see hen.

    quot;to see little he

    snos, to say to his wife, for when people

    are in trouble t alone, and not be bothered by

    visitors.  t at least is my idea about friendship, and I am sure

    I am rig till then I

    s, and o give me a large

    basket of primroses and t will make him so happy.

    quot;You are certainly very tful about othe

    ife, as s in able armche big pinewood

    fire; very tful indeed.  It is quite a treat to hear you

    talk about friends

    say suciful though he does live in a

    toried tle finger.

    quot;But could  ask little he Millers

    youngest son.  If poor rouble I will give him half my

    porridge, and se rabbits.

    quot; a silly boy you are! cried t know

    o sc to learn

    anyttle hans came up here, and saw our warm fire,

    and our good supper, and our great cask of red

    envious, and envy is a most terrible thing, and would spoil

    anybodys nature.  I certainly  alloo be

    spoiled.  I am  friend, and I ch over him,

    and see t  led into any temptations.  Besides, if hans

    came  ask me to let ,

    and t I could not do.  Flour is one thing, and friendship is

    anot be confused.

    differently, and mean quite different things.  Everybody can see


    quot;alk! said t a

    large glass of e dro is just

    like being in church.

    quot;Lots of people act  very few

    people talk alking is muche more

    difficult two, and muching also; and he

    looked sternly across table at tle son, w so

    as e

    scarlet, and began to cry into ea.  however, he was so young

    t you must excuse ;

    quot;Is t tory?quot; asked ter-rat.

    quot;Certainly not,quot; ans, quot;t is t;

    quot;te be; said ter-rat.  quot;Every

    good story-teller noarts o

    t is the new

    met it tic who was

    ter at

    great lengt , for he had

    blue spectacles and a bald he young man made

    any remark,  pray go on h your

    story.  I like tiful

    sentiments myself, so t sympat;

    quot;ell,quot; said t, he

    ot;as soon as ter o

    open tars, to  he

    tle hans.

    quot; a good  you have! cried his ife; you are always

    take t h you for

    the flowers.

    quot;So tied togeth a

    strong iron c do on his


    quot;Good morning, little he Miller.

    quot;Good morning, said hans, leaning on his spade, and smiling from

    ear to ear.

    quot;And er? said the Miller.

    quot;ell, really, cried  is very good of you to ask, very

    good indeed.  I am afraid I ime of it, but now

    te happy, and all my flowers are

    doing well.

    quot;e often talked of you during ter, he Miller,

    and ing on.

    quot;t was kind of you, said hans; I was half afraid you had

    forgotten me.

    quot; you, said the Miller; friendship never

    forgets.  t is t it, but I am afraid you

    dont understand try of life.  how lovely your primroses are

    looking, by-t;!

    quot;tainly very lovely, said  is a most

    lucky t I o bring them

    into t and sell to ters daughter, and

    buy back my whe money.

    quot;Buy back your o say you have sold

    it?   a very stupid to do!

    quot;ell, t is, said  I o.  You see

    ter ime for me, and I really

    all to buy bread  sold ttons off my

    Sunday coat, and then I sold my

    big pipe, and at last I sold my o buy

    them all back again now.

    quot; is

    not in very good repair; indeed, one side is gone, and there is

    somet in spite of t I will

    give it to you.  I kno is very generous of me, and a great many

    people remely foolising , but I

    am not like t of t generosity is the

    essence of friends a new wheelbarrow

    for myself.  Yes, you may set your mind at ease, I will give you my


    quot;ell, really, t is generous of you, said little hans, and his

    funny round face glo

    it in repair, as I he house.

    quot;A plank of  is just

    for t, and the

    corn  damp if I dont stop it up.  how lucky you

    mentioned it!  It is quite remarkable ion always

    breeds another.  I have given you my wheelbarrow, and now you are

    going to give me your plank.  Of course, th

    far more t true, friendsices things

    like t.  Pray get it at once, and I  to  my barn

    this very day.

    quot;Certainly, cried little o the shed and

    dragged t.

    quot;It is not a very big plank, said t it, and

    I am afraid t after I  be

    any left for you to mend t, of course, t

    is not my fault.  And now, as I have given you my wheelbarrow, I am

    sure you o give me some flourn.  he

    basket, and mind you fill it quite full.

    quot;Quite full? said little  was

    really a very big basket, and  if  he would

    for t and o get

    tons back.

    quot;ell, really, anshe Miller, as I have given you my

    it is muco ask you for a few

    flo I s t

    friendsrue friendse free from selfishness of any


    quot;My dear friend, my best friend, cried little hans, you are

    o all the flowers in my garden.  I would much sooner have

    your good opinion ttons, any day; and he ran and

    plucked all ty primroses, and filled t.

    quot;Good-bye, little  up the hill

    in his hand.

    quot;Good-bye, said little o dig ae

    merrily,  the wheelbarrow.

    quot;t day  the porch,

    wo he road.  So

    he garden, and looked over

    the wall.

    quot;th a large sack of flour on his back.

    quot;Dear little his

    sack of flour for me to market?

    quot;O I am really very busy to-day.

    I  all my creepers to nail up, and all my floo er,

    and all my grass to roll.

    quot;ell, really, said t, considering t I

    am going to give you my her unfriendly of you

    to refuse.

    quot;O say t, cried little  be unfriendly

    for trudged off

    he big sack on his shoulders.

    quot;It erribly dusty, and before

    one ired t o

    sit do.   on bravely, and as last he

    reac.  After ed time, he sold

    turned home

    at once, for  if opped too late

    meet some robbers on the way.

    quot;It ainly been a tle o himself as

    o bed, but I am glad I did not refuse the Miller,

    for  friend, and, besides, o give me his


    quot;Early t morning to get the money for

    little ired t ill

    in bed.

    quot;Upon my he Miller, you are very lazy.  Really,

    considering t I am going to give you my whink you

    mig sin, and I certainly dont

    like any of my friends to be idle or sluggis not mind

    my speaking quite plainly to you.  Of course I s dream of

    doing so if I  your friend.  But he good of

    friends say exactly w one means?  Anybody can

    say cry to please and to flatter, but a true

    friend al t mind giving

    pain.  Indeed, if rue friend , for he

    kno then he is doing good.

    quot;I am very sorry, said little hans, rubbing his eyes and pulling

    off -cap, but I ired t I t I would lie

    in bed for a little time, and listen to the birds singing.  Do you

    kno I alter after he birds sing?

    quot;ell, I am glad of t, said ttle hans

    on t you to come up to the mill as soon as you

    are dressed, and mend my barn-roof for me.

    quot;Poor little o go and work in his garden,

    for  been ered for t

    like to refuse to him.

    quot;Do you t would be unfriendly of me if I said I was busy?

    imid voice.

    quot;ell, really, ans t is muco

    ask of you, considering t I am going to give you my wheelbarrow;

    but of course if you refuse I  myself.

    quot;O, cried little  of bed,

    and dressed  up to the barn.

    quot;ill sunset, and at sunset the

    Miller came to see ting on.

    quot;, little he

    Miller in a cheery voice.

    quot;It is quite mended, anstle he


    quot;Aful as the work

    one does for others.

    quot;It is certainly a great privilege to alk, answered

    little ting down, and wiping

    privilege.  But I am afraid I siful ideas

    as you have.

    quot;Oo you, said t you must take

    more pains.  At present you ice of friendship;

    some day you will heory also.

    quot;Do you really ttle hans.

    quot;I  of it, ans no you

    ter go , for I

    you to drive my so tain to-morrow.

    quot;Poor little o say anyto the

    next morning t o ttage, and

    arted off o tain.  It took he whole

    day to get turned ired

    t  off to sleep in  ill it


    quot; a deligime I shall have in my garden, he said, and

    to  once.

    quot;But someo look after  all,

    for he Miller was always coming round and sending him

    off on long errands, or getting o  ttle

    ressed at times, as he was afraid his

    floten t he consoled himself

    by tion t t friend.  Besides,

    o say, o give me

    is an act of pure generosity.

    quot;So little he Miller said all

    kinds of beautiful t friendsook down in

    a note-book, and used to read over at night, for he was a very good


    quot;No  one evening little ting by his

    fireside  was a very wild

    nighe house so

    terribly t at first  it orm.  But a

    second rap came, and thers.

    quot;It is some poor traveller, said little o himself, and he

    ran to the door.

    quot;tood tern in one ick

    in ther.

    quot;Dear little  trouble.  My

    little boy  himself, and I am going

    for tor.  But  is such a bad

    nig it  occurred to me t it er

    if you  instead of me.  You knoo give you my

    you shing

    for me in return.

    quot;Certainly, cried little ake it quite as a compliment

    your coming to me, and I art off at once.  But you must lend

    me your lantern, as t is so dark t I am afraid I might

    fall into tch.

    quot;I am very sorry, ans it is my neern,

    and it  loss to me if anyto it.

    quot;ell, never mind, I  it, cried little hans, and

    ook do, and  cap, and tied

    a muffler round , and started off.

    quot; a dreadful storm it   little

    rong t he could

    scarcely stand.  er he had

    been  t tors house,

    and knocked at the door.

    quot;or, putting  of his

    bedroom window.

    quot;Little or.

    quot; do you , little hans?

    quot;t himself,

    and ts you to come at once.

    quot;All rigor; and he ordered his horse, and his

    big boots, and ern, and came doairs, and rode off in

    tion of ttle rudging behind


    quot;But torm greorrents,

    and little  see wh

    t last  he moor,

    w was full of deep holes, and


    day by some goating in a great pool of er, and was

    brougo ttage.

    quot;Everybody  to little hans funeral, as he was so popular, and

    the chief mourner.

    quot;As I  is only fair t

    I s place; so  the

    procession in a long black cloak, and every nohen he wiped


    quot;Little ainly a great loss to every one, said the


    comfortably in ting s


    quot;A great loss to me at any rate, anshe Miller; why, I had

    as good as given  know

    o do .  It is very muc  is

    in suc I could not get anyt if I sold

    it.  I ainly take care not to give ahing again.

    One al;

    quot;ell?quot; said ter-rat, after a long pause.

    quot;ell, t is t; said t.

    quot;But ; asked ter-rat.

    quot;O kno; replied t; quot;and I am sure t

    I dont care.quot;

    quot;It is quite evident t you hy in your

    nature,quot; said ter-rat.

    quot;I am afraid you dont quite see tory,quot; remarked


    quot;t?quot; screamed ter-rat.


    quot;Do you mean to say t tory ;

    quot;Certainly,quot; said t.

    quot;ell, really,quot; said ter-rat, in a very angry manner, quot;I

    told me t before you began.  If you had

    done so, I certainly  ened to you; in fact, I


    no;; so ed out quot;Poo; at top of his voice, gave a

    back into his hole.

    quot;And er-rat?quot; asked the Duck, who came

    paddling up some minutes after; many good

    points, but for my o I hers feelings, and I can

    never look at a confirmed bac tears coming into my


    quot;I am rat I ; ans.

    quot;t is, t I told ory ;

    quot;A is alo do,quot; said the Duck.

    And I quite agree h her.
