类别:文学名著 作者:查尔斯·兰姆 本章:ELLISTONIANA

    My acquaintance  creature, .

    My first introduction to E., o an acquaintance a little on timacy, er of ton Spa Library, tered upon by a branco auspicate, I suppose, t it a going re -- ensibly to inquire for some neion, but in reality to  of trious s an air did ely giving ion, and launc into a dissertation on its comparative merits ain publications of a similar stamp, its rivals! ed customers fairly o tative sentence. So leman in comedy acting treet. I admired trionic art, by o carry clean aion of disgrace, from tion ted to; and from t er repentance, to be a person,  y to be more acquainted.

    to descant upon s as a Comedian e and professional s alone I o do; t o t tage boards into streets, and dining-parlours, and kept up t;I like renc; a friend o ;because ural, easy creature, on tage, t ; quot;My case exactly,quot; retorted Elliston -- fulness, t tion does not alo t; I am tage t I am on.quot; t first sigical; but examine it a little, and it confesses only, t ting.

    And in trutons private deportment. You ed performance alo pay. As  , becomes ipso facto for t time a palace; so e, or stood still, tre.  , boxes, and galleries, and set up able play corners of streets, and in t-places. Upon flintiest pavements rod till; and if o be passionate, t of tragedy spontaneously rose beneat. Noy, and s. So Apelles aled -- in t. So G. D. alises. I e a lukeist. I ors -- and some of tons oamp -- ic existence; but no sooner does tain fall s leaden clatter, but a spirit of lead seems to seize on all ties. tolerable to ts, amp;c. Anot iments, till it even beats ely long to go ion. tedious, till you can get fairly out of tentions. At lengtative of all t is amiable in s steps forton isfaction? isfaction among e circles? emperament, s, ure, ter tify ion? Are o like a pleasant rake, or coxcomb, on tage, and give ourselves airs of aversion for tical cer presented to us in actual life? or ing ion? Could ton ially different from , even if o reflect to us studiously, in private circles, t trickeries of otype?

    quot;But t natural in ting acting;  t;

    Are you quite sure t it is not t, or  see, under some adventitious trappings,  at all inconsistently upon  if it is ture of some men to ificial? t is least repreon,  as muc as Vanburgo it.

    quot;My conceit of ; it is Ben Jonson speaking of Lord Bacon, -- quot; o o  o me ever one of test men, t bad been in many ages. In y I ever prayed t rengtness  .quot;

    ty  of t an unexpected elevation to tion of a great London tre, affected ton,, or at all cure, kne tial greatness of t une to encounter . Dunstans Cs punctual giants, is no and a sion to t tered, -- quot; ;I am ture Manager of Drury Lane tre.quot; -- Breatayed not for congratulation or reply, but mutely stalked ao cies at leisure. In fact, noto it. Expressive silence alone could muse  style.

    But ness, O ye Poy t supported in tly transmuted for a more illustrious exile, tableso an image of Imperial France),   sceptre ed from ailed to tty managers proprietorsill played nig in parts alas! allotted to  magnificently distributed by  loss as notly sinking terial grandeur in tment of depreciations done to y intellectual pretensions, quot;; (omary exordium) -- quot;; said ;reat me? t me in comedy.quot; t I -- but erruption -- quot;ter ?quot; ter a pause -- quot;io,quot; -- and so again alked aaying, nor caring for, responses.

    O, it  of storytellers and surgeons,  as ure, alone could do justice to it -- t I ness to, in tarnis  same little Olympic. ter ion from Imperial Drury, ituted a t Olympic ; ; ;Jove in ; t in state, er, le ta flirt at tails of cioner for tos senses -- test little drab -- a dirty fringe and appendage of t seems, on some disapprobation expressed by a quot;ablequot; audience, ately quitted ation on talents in disgust.

    quot;And ; said y  beautiful Rebel  anding before ;  a notice, from your trical duties?quot; quot;I ;And you ion to decide upon taste of to; quot;I dont kno, Sir, but I and to be ; ures into one significant mass of y, and expostulatory indignation -- in a lesson never to  upon a creature less forood before ;t;

    `tical argument a fortiori, rembling under o persuade o take iny ;I too am mortal.quot; And it is to be believed t in botoric missed of its application, for  of a proper understanding ies of tive recipients.

    quot;Quite an Opera pit,quot; o me, as eously conducting me over tre, t retreat, and recess, of his every-day waning grandeur.

    ton, ter sentence of t to record. One proud day to me ook  mutton emple, to iful partaking of t, not unrefres of liquors, I made a sort of apology for ty of t for my o I never ate but of one dis dinner. quot;I too never eat but one t dinner quot; -- ;reckoning fis; t ory sentence ion of all ts, ritious-food-giving Ocean pours fortery bosom. tness, tempered e tenderness to ty but ertainer.

    Great  t illiam Elliston! and not lessened in t speak truly,  direct t tal remains sion but one of pure Latinity. Classical iful  bed, ook test exercise of imagination, to tres and Managers a sc and pious Colet. For t se thy praise.
