类别:文学名著 作者:查尔斯·兰姆 本章:THE CONVALESCENT

    A PREttY severe fit of indisposition  sloy of reflecting upon any topic foreign to itself. Expect no h, reader; I can offer you only sick mens dreams.

    And truly tate of sickness is suc else is it but a magnificent dream for a man to lie a-bed, and dra ting out to induce a total oblivion of all t? to become insensible to all tions of life, except tings of one feeble pulse?

    If tude, it is a sick bed. ient lords, it t caprices s  controul! umbling, and tossing, and sing, and loting, and moulding it, to tions of emples.

    ener tician. Noe across tergiversation. itains e. they are his Mare Clausum.

    o . Supreme selfised upon y. `tis tables of to o t o get  of doors, or  ts .

    A little  of a la,  friend. o be seen trudging about upon to fifty quarters of to once, jogging tness, refres solicitor. to come on yesterday. ely as indifferent to t ion to be tried at Pekin. Peradventure from some  intended for o make and, t t cross-grained in t yesterday, and  t;friend,quot; and t;ruin,quot; disturb  to t o get better.

    a  absorbing consideration!

    on trong armour of sickness, age, under trusty lock and key, for his own use only.

    ying o ed o t  aso weep over himself.

    ting o do some good to udying little stratagems and artificial alleviations.

    of ion, into as many distinct individuals, as imes ates -- as of a t from  dull pain  nigance of pain, not to  opening t seemed, to take it ties tenuated fingers. es y, and tender .

    inctively feels t none can so  office for ators to ragedy. Only t punctual face of t announces  because it is so unmoved, and because ions before it as unreservedly as to .

    to tands not ions of mortals are; only  of some sucor makes  busy face iplicity of patients, but solely conceives of o ening, ion  entertain. urn of t to-morrow.

    ouc. Some faint murmur, indicative of life going on  distinctly  is.  to kno to ts gliding up or doant staircase, treading as upon velvet, gently keep roubles not  ter knoo  endure ture. ly at troke of t again  asking quot;; tered by a general notion t inquiries are making after   to knoillness, and ae, and feels y.

    to be sick is to enjoy monarcives. Compare t tread, and quiet ministry, almost by t (slapping of doors, or leaving ttendants, tle better -- and you  from t me rat) to ty, amounting to a deposition.

    o ine stature! o a common bed-room! trimness of tty and unmeaning about it. It is mad, every day. o t ed so s a time since,   to be t of at oftener tions,  o be lifted for a little , to submit to ts of unness, and decencies o be lifted into it again, for anote, to flounder it out of sorical record of some sing posture, some uneasy turning, some seeking for a little ease; and told a truer story the crumpled coverlid.

    erious sig from  etes is become an ordinary personage.

    Perness survives in till lingering visitations of ttendant. But oo c -- of anecdote -- of every t pely came betient and ure, erecting o a ing party ? -- Psis some old woman.

    Fare made sickness pompous -- t -like stillness, felt t its inmost ce attendance -- till softer delicacies of self-attention -- temper alonely fixed upon itself -- s excluded -- to re --

    a speck is o !

    In t s by t far enougerra firma of establise, dear Editor, reacing -- an article. In Articulo Mortis, t I; but it is sometc  appeared, seemed to link me on again to tty businesses of life, o activity, rivial a erous dream of self-absorption -- tate of sickness -- in o its lao its literature. tus is subsiding; tion I emplation of ill ityus to ing to a span; and for t of self-importance, ensions -- t Essayist.

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