类别:文学名著 作者:C·S·刘易斯 本章:CHAPTER FOURTEEN

    tRIUMPCc;e must move from t  once, it ed for otonig the Fords of  Beruna.

    Of course everyone o ask ters c ern and everyones ears ill ringing he  sound of his roar and so nobody dared.

    After a meal, op (for t strong by noaking the pavilion  down and

    packing t off in  a norterly direction,  an easy pace for t far to  go.

    During t part of to Peter ;As soon as ss,quot; ;tc certainly fall back to  be able to cut  .quot;   on  to outline ttle - one for figcing le. And all time er o  conduct tions, saying t;You must put your Centaurs in suc; or quot;You must post scouts to see t s do so-and-so,quot; till at last  Peter said,  quot;But you here yourself, Aslan.”

    quot;I can give you no promise of t,quot; ansinued  giving Peter ructions.

    For t part of t alk very muco to be sad.

    It ill afternoon o  on ter. But Peter said,  quot;ouldnt it be better to camp on try a  nigtack or anything?”

    Aslan,  mane and said, quot;Es t?quot; Peter said it  all over again.

    quot;No,quot; said Aslan in a dull voice, as if it didnt matter. quot;No. S  make an attack to-nig; And t presently ;All t  of. t is  to t it doesnt really  matter.quot; So to pitcheir camp.

    Aslans mood affected everyone t evening. Peter able too at ting ttle on  Aslan mig be  t so  evening  meal. Everyone felt   it  nig morning. It imes,   begun, o their end.

    ted Susan so muc s get to sleep o bed.

    And after sing surning over and over surn over just beside he darkness.

    quot;Cant you get to sleep eit; said Susan.

    quot;No,quot; said Lucy. quot;I t you were asleep. I say, Susan!”


    quot;Ive a most hing were hanging over us.”

    quot;ter of fact, so have I.”

    quot;Somet Aslan,quot; said Lucy. quot;Eito  o  o do.”

    quot;ternoon,quot; said Susan. quot;Lucy!

    not being  ttle? You dont tealing aonight, do you?”

    quot;; said Lucy. quot;Is he pavilion?”

    quot;I dont think so.”

    quot;Susan! lets go outside and  see him.”

    quot;All rigs,quot; said Susan; quot; as  lying awake here.”

    Very quietly t out of tent. t ill except for  ttering over tones. t Lucys arm and  said, quot;Look!quot; On t o t a h  followed him.

    eep slope out of tly to  t - apparently by te ernoon in  coming from tone table. On and on o dark s  into pale moonligting t   from tail and ired. to opped and looked round. It rying to run aowards ;Oh, children, children, why are you following me?”

    quot;e couldnt sleep,quot; said Lucy - and t sure t s Aslan knehinking.

    quot;Please, may ; asked Susan.

    quot;ell -quot; said Aslan, and seemed to be t;I sonigo stop er t leave me to go on alone.”

    quot;O; said two girls.

    For again and one of t , royal  oucly umbled and gave a low moan.

    quot;Aslan! Dear Aslan!quot; said Lucy, quot; you tell us?”

    quot;Are you ill, dear Aslan?quot; asked Susan.

    quot;No,quot; said Aslan. quot;I am sad and lonely. Lay your  I  can feel you are t us .”

    And so t to do   o do ever since t saroked it and, so doing, ly t tone table stood. t up at trees came furt up, and o t tree (it   it) Aslan stopped and  said,  quot;O stop. And  yourselves be seen. Farewell.”

    And botterly (to t, sad eyes. turned from t on to top of ter  they saw.

    A great croanding all round tone table and torc sucrous teets of evil trees and poisonous plants; and otures  let you read ts, Sprites, Orknies, ooses,  and Ettins. In fact c  in tanding by table, ch herself.

    A  up from tures  Lion pacing to even tco be  struck hen she recovered herself and gave a wild fierce laugh.

    quot;t; s;t.”

    Lucy and Susan ing for Aslans roar and  it never came. Four  also (at  first)  to do, ;Bind him,  I say!”

    repeated te itc at riump ance at all. to ied all ogeting and chem all.

    But raining and tugging, pulled  tig t into o drag oone table.

    quot;Stop!quot; said tc;Let  be shaved.”

    Anoter  up from ted doo fall to tood  back and tc  its mane. the difference.

    quot; cat after all!quot; cried one.

    quot;Is t ; said another.

    And t ;Puss,  Puss! Poor Pussy,”

    and quot; today, Cat?quot; and quot;ould you like a  saucer of milk, Pussums?”

    quot;O; said Lucy, tears streaming does, tes!quot; for no t so iful, and more patient than ever.

    quot;Muzzle ; said tc ting on te from  t o enrage all t rabble. Everyone   him now.

    to come near er o  find tes t even see ures kicking ting ting on  him.

    At last to drag to tone table, some pulling and some pus  even ook all ts to  o t. tying and tightening of cords.

    quot;t; sobbed Susan. quot;Are till afraid of him,  even now?”

    ied (and tied so t  stone, a orcood at  table. tc o o torc fell on it, as if tone, not of steel, and it range and evil shape.

    As last sood by Aslans c  till quiet, neit a little sad. t before sooped do;And noraitor? Noead of

    me from killing ake  of my and t you  your own life and you  saved   knowledge, despair and die.”

    t see tual moment of t  bear to look and heir eyes.

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