类别:文学名著 作者:C·S·刘易斯 本章:CHAPTER ELEVEN

    t Lion out into t once so, dressed in a red robe. e h a

    c of oak leaves, o ed  aff. ;elcome, Sir, to t of your houses.”

    quot;Do you grow weary, Coriakin, of ruling sucs as I have  given you here?”

    quot;No,quot; said t;tupid but to groures. Sometimes, pertle  impatient, ing for tead of this rough  magic.”

    quot;All in good time, Coriakin,quot; said Aslan.

    quot;Yes, all in very good time, Sir,quot; ;Do you intend to so them?”

    quot;Nay,quot; said ttle  meant (Lucy t)  t;I sen t of tars o take t in islands before your people are ripe for t. And today  before sunset I must visit trumpkin ts in tle of Cair Paravel  counting till er Caspian comes ell ory,  Lucy. Do not look so sad. e s soon again.”

    quot;Please, Aslan,quot; said Lucy, quot;w do you call soon?”

    quot;I call all times soon,quot; said Aslan; and instantly he Magician.

    quot;Gone!quot; said ;and you and I quite crestfallen. Its al,  you cant keep s not as if ame lion. And how did you enjoy my book?”

    quot;Parts of it very muc; said Lucy. quot;Did you knoime?”

    quot;ell, of course I kne you ly to take t quite sure of t day. And I  especially on tcoo and being invisible always makes me so sleepy. here Im yawning  again. Are you hungry?”

    quot;ell, pertle,quot; said Lucy. quot;Ive no idea ime is.”

    quot;Come,quot; said t;All times may be soon to Aslan; but in my imes are one oclock.”

    tle  room full of sunligable was bare  whey

    entered, but it able, and at a ableclotes, glasses and food appeared.

    quot;I  is-; said ;I ried to give you  food more like tely.”

    quot;Its lovely,quot; said Lucy, and so it te, piping , cold lamb  and green peas, a strae  to follow.

    But te only bread. t ting away like old  friends.

    quot;; asked Lucy. quot;ill t once?”

    quot;O till; take a rest in the day.”

    quot;And no to let they were before?”

    quot;ell, ts rate question,quot; said t;You see,  its only to look at before. t t isnt . Many people migter.”

    quot;Are ted?”

    quot;t least taug to  be. they always believe every word he says.”

    quot;ed noticed t,quot; said Lucy.

    quot;Yes -  on better  urn o somet a spell on   believe a  like to do t. Its better for to admire o admire nobody.”

    quot;Dont t; asked Lucy.

    quot;O me,quot; said t;t admire me.”

    quot;  you uglified t they call uglified?”

    quot;ell, t do old. to mind t for me, as t for t do it  at all if I didnt make t er. tiful  spring about  spring tream   to do o take ter from tream instead of trudging up to ts times a day and  tiring themselves

    out besides spilling  on t t see it.  In t blank.”

    quot;Are tupid as all t?quot; asked Lucy.

    t;You  believe troubles Ive es and knives before  dinner: t saved time afteratoes to save  cooking t got into ty of  t ; no one t of moving t. But I see  youve finiss go and look at t.”

    t into anotruments o  understand - sucrolabes, Orreries, Cers, Co t;there are your Duffers.”

    quot;I dont see anybody,quot; said Lucy. quot;And hings?”

    ted at ted all over tainly very like mus far too big - talks about t  to edge. iced  too t talks joined t in t at one side  of little bundle - lying on  t t of eacalk. In fact t t  really round as s at  first. It

    one end. t many of  ty or more.

    truck three.

    Instantly a most extraordinary t;mus;  suddenly turned upside-dotle bundles tom of talks   not to eac under it (not to one side like t t, a single enormous foot-a broadtoed foot oes curling up  a little so t it looked rat s single leg  straigs enormous foot spread out above it. Ser ting; for t kept off boto lie under its o is almost as good as being in a tent.

    quot;O; cried Lucy, bursting into laug;Did  you make t?”

    quot;Yes, yes. I made to Monopods,quot; said too ears ran do c; he added.

    It ctle one-footed men couldnt  about by jumping, like fleas or frogs. And   a bounce t erday. For noions and calling out to one anot;hey, lads! ere  visible again.”

    quot;Visible ; said one in a tasselled red cap whe  Chief Monopod.

    quot;And w I say is, wher.”

    quot;A is, t is, C; cried all t;t. No ones got a clearer   plainer.”

    quot;S t little girl did,quot; said t;eve beaten ime.”

    quot;Just o say ourselves,quot; c;Youre  going stronger today, C up, keep it up.”

    quot;But do to talk about you like t?quot; said Lucy. quot;to  be so afraid of you yesterday. Dont t be listening?”

    quot;ts one of t t; said t;One  minute talk as if I ran everytremely  dangerous. t moment take me in by tricks t a baby hem!”

    quot;ill to be turned back into t; asked Lucy.  quot;O  be unkind to leave tty  t jump.  hey like before?”

    quot;Common little d; said ;Not you have  in Narnia.”

    quot;It y to c; said Lucy. quot;t old t?”

    quot;Im sure it  it into their heads.”

    quot;ill you come ry?”

    quot;No, no. Youll get on far better  me.”

    quot;t; said Lucy and turned quickly ao  Edmund at

    ttom. All ting, and Lucys  conscience smote ten  them.

    quot;Its all rig; sed. quot;Everyt. the Magicians a  brick - and Ive seen him - Aslan.”

    After t s from t into ts of t sight of her.

    quot;; t;ttle  girl. A it across tleman properly, she did.”

    quot;And remely regrettable,quot; said t;t   give you t  believe ts trutal ugly  no deceive you.”

    quot;E ; ecoy balloons. quot;Youve said it, youve said it.”

    quot;But I dont t all,quot; said Lucy, sing to make ;I think you look very nice.”

    quot;; said t;true for you, Missie. Very nice   find a .quot; t any surprise and did  not seem to notice t their minds.

    quot;S; remarked t;as how we looked very nice  before we were uglified.”

    quot;true for you, Crue for you,quot; ced t;ts w she  says. e heard her ourselves.”

    quot;I did not,quot; ba;I said youre very nice now.”

    quot;So s; said t;said hen.”

    quot;; said t;t.

    t  it better.”

    quot;But  te,quot; said Lucy, stamping  ience.

    quot;So you are, to be sure, so you are,quot; said t;Note. Keep it up, both of you.”

    quot;Youre enougo drive anyone mad,quot; said Lucy, and gave it up. But tly contented, and s on tion had been a success.

    And before everyone  to bed t evening sometisfied ion. Caspian and all  t back as soon as possible to to give to Rreader, balls and agreeing ill Eustace said, quot;I ; (o explain t an  inaudible t ook a lot of trouble   sure t tood, and ;E put t youll learn,  young man.

    o o say t;)   idea. tle coracle  lo till terested.  ood up in it and said, quot;ortelligent Monopods, you do not need boats.  Eac t ead. Just jump as liger and see w happens.”

    t ter po, but one or tried it almost at once; and t last t did t ly. t of a Monopod acted as a natural raft or boat, and  rude paddles for t  treader, looking for all t of little  canoes  danding up in treme stern of eactles of o tood  leaning over till their own sides ached.

    to t name t it rig;ts ; t;Moneypuds, Pomonods, Poddymons. Just  ips of  our tongues to call ourselves.quot; But t it mixed up tled doo calling t is  uries.

    t evening all tairs iced  top floor looked no s. terious signs on till mysterious but noening. At dinner everyone  everyone liked best to  eat and drink, and after dinner tiful piece of  magic. able and asked Drinian to give  account of to date: and as Drinian spoke, everyt on the

    parc in fine clear lines till at last eac ern Ocean, serebint Island, Deater, and tself, all exactly  t sizes and in t positions. t maps ever made of tter t  magic. For on toains looked at first just as t t t little pictures of  t you could see tle and slave market and streets in  Narro, like telescope. t tline of most of te,  for t Drinianhe.

    Magician kept one ed to Caspian: it still  ruments at Cair Paravel. But tell t seas or lands furt. ell t about seven  years before a Narnian s in at ers and t s ter must be timar.

    Next day, tern of treader  friendly parting, and  o til s of sound  of their cheering.