chapter 9

类别:文学名著 作者:辜鸿铭 本章:chapter 9

    In t as Cianity or Budd you  Confucianism is not a religion in t is t tural origin and element in it,  besides tural and non-supernatural, tianity and Budd is teaco be a good man . But Confucianism does more teaco be a good citizen. tian Catec; is t; But tec; is tizen ?quot; of man, not in  man in ion ion to tate? tian ansec; to glorify God. quot; t ansec;to live as a dutiful son and a good citizen. quot; tzii Yu, a disciple of Confucius, is quoted in t;A es tention to tion of life_tion is laid, o live as a dutiful son and good citizen, is not t tion_t; In s, a religion in t its object to transform man into a perfect ideal man by o a saint, a Budds itself to make man into a good citizen_ to live as a dutiful son and a good citizen. In other words, a religion

    in t;If you  to  be a saint, a Budd; iful son and a good citizen, you ;

    In fact, tianity or Budd t may be called a C may be called a State religion. test service, I say,  rue idea of a State. Norue idea of a State, Confucius made t idea a religion. In Europe politics is a science, but in Cime, politics is a religion. In s, test service  ate religion. Confucius taugate religion in a book  days of o umn to t of to give tumn of nations. t also be called tter Day Annals, like tter Day Pamps of Carlyle. In tory of a false and decadent state of society and civilisation in  false and decadent state of society and civilisation to its real cause_to t t men  a true idea of a State; no rigion of true nature of ty ate, to tate, taug of kings. No least most of you, do not no of kings. I  argue t o suspend your judgment until you  I o say. In time I  ask your permission to quote to you ;t of a king to govern us is eit or a diabolic ; No you, on t of t of kings, to remember and ponder over this saying of Carlyle.

    In taug, as in all tions and dealings betives of interest and of fear, a ive to influence t, a ive erest and fear, tive called Duty; so in tant relation of all in y, tion betate or nation and t State or nation, tive of Duty  ional basis of ty e or nation oo tate or nation? Noime, s semi-patriarcy and form of Government, e  feel so mucy ate, because, as tie of kinsural affection already, in a o tate, ime to an end; e groizens of a State  o find a neional and firm basis for ty e or nation oo tate_ t ney? Confucius found ty in the word honour.

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