chapter 13

类别:文学名著 作者:辜鸿铭 本章:chapter 13

    Again, as te Divine duty of loyalty taugality of tion, so t of ancestor-y of t of ancestorality of t consoled by t er, but by t -grand-c to o time, and in t o a C  least  quot;per; of meeting again. t of ancestor-y of loyalty, in Confucianism gives to tence o tries. It is for  ttacance to t of ancestor-y of loyalty to t;Of t sins against filial piety test is to erity.quot; tem of teacate religion in Cs really only of ty to ty to parents_in Cact, ticles of Faities in Con-fucianism or tate religion of Cance_first, absolute duty of loyalty to ty and ancestor-e submission of to t ticles  t Article_absolute duty of loyalty to t taugate religion or religion of tion ion. t Article of Faite duty of loyalty to takes t of t Article of Fait is because Confucianism  for t Confucianism, as I ake tion in C feel the need of religion.

    But noy of loyalty to ty of God  to point out to you a great mistake  is tion given by ty of God old you t tion for t and inviolability of marriage in Europe is given by the

    Cy for tion, t I said t ion. true inner sanction for ty of marriage as  in all countries y for tion to obey rules of moral conduct is tleman, in man. t necessary to make men obey rules of moral conduct.

    It is t aire and tom Paine in t century, and rationalists like Sir oday, say, t ture invented by t up by priests. But t is a gross and preposterous libel. All great men, all men  intellect, . Even Napoleon , practical intellect believed in God. As t says: quot;Only tellect_,  t; But t intellect is different from t intellect is t of Spinoza: a belief in t;At fifty I kne; * _i.e., t intellect  names to te calls it t is called tao_t  intellect may give to t is t intellect see te necessity of obeying rules of moral conduct or moral la Divine Order of the Universe.

    t necessary to make men obey t, yet to make men see te necessity of obeying t is te necessity of obeying t ellect follo;A man  a kno be able to be a gentleman or moral man.quot;* But t great intellect, cannot follo intellect to t tand te necessity of obeying moral lathew Arnold says:

    quot;Moral rules, appre, and t be for tellect enougo appreer enougo follorictly as la; It is for t ty taugo, Aristotle and  Spencer have a value only for scholars.

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