chapter 18

类别:文学名著 作者:辜鸿铭 本章:chapter 18

    But told you t t men in literature, sucry of  reac men in literature speak ted men and. Sucem of teacate Religion in Cion in Cion or living emotion necessary to enable and make t? Noold you t tion in tate Religion of Confucius in Co tries, is t t is not quite correct. tion in tate Religion of Confucius in Cly to tries is_t an adjunct_true Cate Religion of Confucius in Cs ancestral tablet or cs ancestral emple in every village and toion, tive poo make men, to make t, is tion of unbounded admiration, love and ent is tion of to excite and arouse in men for t teacion, tive poe Religion of Confucius in Co make men, to enable and make tion in C is t; Love for t; tianity, says: quot;Love C.quot; tate Religion of Confucius in Cral tablet in every family_says quot;Love your fat; St. Paul says:_quot;Let every man t names t depart from iniquity. quot; But ty(^^), ten in ty, terpart of ta.tio Ci in C;Let everyone y. quot; In s, as tive poion of tianity, is t, so tive poion of tate Religion, Confucianism in C;Love of fat;_ Filial Piety, s cult of ancestor worship.

    Confucius says: quot;to gato perform to play to pay respect to to love to t, to serve ted, as if till  is t ac of Filial Piety.quot; Confucius, furt;By cultivating respect for to tant past, t; Cogitavi dies antiques, et annos eternos in menti  is ate Religion in Cion or living emotion necessary to enable and make t, t and most important of all te Duty of Loyalty to t as t and most important rules of moral conduct in all t Religions of tianity, says:_quot;Fear God and obey ; But tate Religion of Confucius, or Confucianism, says:_quot;o ; tianity, says:_quot;If you  to fear God and obey  first love C. quot; tate Religion of Confucius, or Confucianism, say:_quot;If you  to o  first love your fat;

    No t bet and tion for t , years since Confuciustime. t is because tion in C feel t feel take t somete Duty of Loyalty to ta yi, e Religion ion. test service, I said, e Religion in y of Loyalty to the Emperor.

    t it necessary to say about Confucius and  ant bearing upon t of our present discussion, t of t to tell you and you and it from  a Ced man, a yi in tate Religion of Confucius in Ceace Divine Duty of Loyalty to to  of t of ion and race: he is no longer a real Chinaman.

    Finally, let me sly sum up  to say on t of our present discussion_t of t is t reason  of a c of tellect. Nos of tandard  and literature, you  it is tellect _try of rue of all Candard literature, t quot;it  only touc natural  of y, aire t  reac can also address tanding aire s admirable simplicity and rationality. quot;

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