Part Two-13

类别:文学名著 作者:卡森·麦卡勒斯 本章:Part Two-13

    See t op and get some er.’

    No, ter . ell er gives you typhoid.’

    I already yped foot.’

    I remember.’

    Yeaayed in t room  on t t so I was bald-headed.’

    I bet  least ten miles from tooo.’

    I sure am ty, Mick said. And  you got in t sack for lunch?’

    Cold liver pudding and chicken salad sandwiches and pie.’

    ts a good picnic dinner. S s. I got te little packages of salt and pepper. And sander. Everything wrapped in oil paper.

    And paper napkins.’

    I didnt intend for you to bring anyt o a store soon and get cold drinks.’

    to tation store.  in aer t glare tore seemed dark. tacked e meat, cans of oil, and sacks of meal. Flies buzzed over a big, sticky jar of

    loose candy on ter.

    ? kind of drinks you got? harry asked.

    toreman started to name t good in ter.

    I  a ce Ne any of them?’

    Ditto,  two.’

    No,  a minute.  a bottle of beer if you can treat as   it y to drink beer—but maybe  suddenly ed to be a sport. After t ser face. t on teps in front of tore.

    Micks legs ired t them jumped.

    Stle ook a long, cold pull. Across ty field of grass, and beyond t a fringe of pine rees   black. t blue.

    I like beer, so sop bread do. I like to lick salt out my tle to myself Ive ever had.’

    t s t tastes good.’

    toreman said it oo go.  in t sun again. alking loud and  laug any reason.

    Gos sun makes me dizzy. But I sure do feel good, he said.

    I cant  to get in swimming.’

    to t on to keep from bogging.  uck to . ill kept talking. to red clay and tias broto play on ime to it.

    the place she had been looking for.

    quot;t! See t sign t says PRIVAtE? e got to climb take t pathere—see!’

    t. Slick pine needles covered tes ter . Cool. t from ter and a breeze singing rees.

    It  imid, and tly along the creek.

    Dont it look pretty.’

    makes you s jump in ter and cool off.’

    Arent you hungry?’

    O.K. t first. ell eat er on w’

    Sly and stuffed to a ree stump. took s and  doh.

    Sruggled into  t oo small and cut he legs.

    quot;You ready? harry hollered.

    Ser and  until I find out if tumps or s looked at er. Sended to dive, anyayed out of parts t  o tell old a tale:I dont dive any more. I used to dive, ime.

    But once I busted my  dive any more. S for a minute. It was a double jack-knife dive I was doing. And wer.

    But I didnt t it and just began to do sricks. t me. t wer was coming from.

    And I never have swam good since.’


    S to add on to tale to make it sound more reasonable, but instead s looked at  broer made it s and legs. In tigrunks   and blue.


    ters about ten feet deep except over on ts s going. I bet t cold er feels good.’

    S scared. S t caug top of a very ree and to do but just climb do  until it broke in o swim.

    Once s under, but s going and didnt lose any face. Souctom. t good.

    Ser s and called out crazy o make echoes.

    atch here!’

    all, ttle tree. trunk  so ter.

    Me too! atc!’

    quot;ts a sapling.’

    Sly er oo. Now she could swim O.K.

    ter. t eac seem to be anyto do. Suddenly she said:have you ever swam naked?’

    t and for a minute  answer.

    itties urned eettered. I—I dont think so.’

    tement o say. I o.’

    bangs of his hair. O.K.’

    took off ts. o umbled and urned to more man a minute.ree and tore it to pieces. e better get dressed.’

    All t, sleepy feeling of a summer afternoon.

    In t ter and tuffed egg and mas did t make he.

    t;Listen ty, Mick. I never did t mean I t you  mean t------’

    Ser. Maybe ter start back if  to be home before dark.’

    No, s lie do for a minute.’

    cs ig was like sense all over.

    Now we can sleep and be fresrip home.’

    t bed and looked up at t te like an oboe —and t sank doones and called again. tion  words.

    I love t bird, s a vireo.’

    I c on ter. You  to tly  like?’

    he waves.

    Sometimes blue and sometimes green, and in t sun ttle s back in a cigar box. And over

    ter are te gulls. e  time and ts never baking  like it is here. Always------’

    Snos  to see. Cold, s of snoures. Blizzards. e, cold sno keeps falling soft and falls on and on and on ter. Snow like in Alaska.’

    turned at time. t eac rembling and s igo crack. O saying over and over. It ed somethe way.

    t was.

    t. ty road, for it e afternoon.

    Listen here, he said.


    quot;e got to understand t to. Do you—any?’

    I dont kno.’

    Listen  to do somets sit down.’

    t by a ditche road.

    t far apart from eace sun burned do beds all around them.

    e got to understand this, harry said.

    very still and tears rolled do t made him cry.

    An ant stung  up in  it very close.

    Its this way, he said.  never had even kissed a girl before.’

    Me neit of the family.*

    ts all I used to t—o kiss tain girl. I used to plan about it during sc it at night.

    And te. And I could tell s for me to kiss  looked at he dark and I

    couldnt t —to kiss ime came I couldnt.’


    It . Adultery is a terrible sin any  it. And you  a kid.quot;No, I . I  any kid. But now I wishough.’

    listen  to  married—secretly or any other way.’

    Mick s like t. I never h any boy.’

    I never  And Im not just saying so—its true.’

    tom lip tled and bloody .  and  and scourned her head from him.

    tter if only  quit talking.  treaked red-and-c a broken  a pine tree across from tising for a man for county sed to sit quiet for a long time and not t say a word.

    Im leaving toayed his in my eyes.’

    tell me. Can you look at me and see the difference?’

    cime and nodded t he could.

    t one more t send you my address and you e and tell me for sure w.’

    ?how you mean? she asked slowly.

    o o e is quot;O.K.quot; and tO know.’

    tretc giant-sized on t

    over like an old beggar and kept wiping his nose on his sleeve.

    For a minute t, golden glorees and t very old, and it ed to be or not.

    teen miles and   from tchen.

    come ailor in a sreet.

    Sometimes even on Sunday. c nighodox dishes for harry and her.

    Listen here------ he said.

    Sed in t  finisurned and looked back over  s was we and hen he was gone.

    this here is a riddle, George said.

    I listening.’

    trail. t  t her.

    kin hey?’

    Less see. epfather.’

    George grinned at Portia tle square, blue teeth.


    You cant guess. It  you dont t a Indian being a lady.’

    Sood outside tccure. Inside it urned on and t table c t t tia owel. She looked

    t. Ralp quietly on trying a little  of old Cmas tinsel.

    tia. If ts to  two------’

    S into t o move back  t glanced at  do table and ed.

    raipsing in after everbody done finiso me like I never  off from work.’

    Nobody noticed e a big plateful of cabbage and salmon and finis. It old Portia t Miss Bro out the gasoline.

    Quit fro, Mick. Youre coming to t to fix up and try to look t you can.

    And  barge out like t wo give Ralpo bed. Clean his nose and ears good.’

    Ralp icky meal. S  table as ook up tco bed. Sia chen.

    Listen! Look at me. Do you notice anyt? Sure I notice, hon.’

    Portia put on  and changed her shoes. ell—?’

    Just you take a little grease and rub it on your face. Your nose already done peeled very bad. t thing for bad sunburn.’

    Sood by ree   ter if t ell. If they knew.

    eps. quot;Mick! Oelep;

    George croried to listen in, but sz talked very loud and excited.

    My harry should be home by now. You know where he is?’

    *No, maam.’

    on bicycles. here should he be now? You know where he is? No, maam, Mick said again.


    o t again ted. trees ronger. try.

    Jake Blount ed t dizzily of t feel ly a o trouble antly.  so t omactle pouco leave top button of rousers undone.  t, but  on drinking. Liquor o take one small glass to make it better. Noo . It  t t gave  tion of t so all turated  mont a quart of w make him drunk.

    out liquor entirely. For several days er and Orange Crusernoons and evenings.  sleep and it o try to read.

    tink in ed less in t last  had come.

    A dream ed   come to error—but trange point  never could ents of time  aical t  doubt but o dreams,

    tesque nig led o a madmans region of disorder, but al scattered ts of t them.

    tealt nature.  t lingered in er. t  remembrance of t o save some possession? as ed by all t tudied tand. time after return.

    ter of signs  day of ting to er cold   in t on treets all day.

    e  and ragged on book full of c and crazy. Simms tried to convert him.

    Cy, I smell tink of beer on ttes. If ted us to smoke cigarettes an is on t. Repent. Let me s.quot;Jake rolled up he air.

    tained o you, age voice. Simms looked do them.’

    Simms backed against ture ed a lock of silver  back on ongue licked th. Jake laughed.

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