The Ballad of the Sad Café-3

类别:文学名著 作者:卡森·麦卡勒斯 本章:The Ballad of the Sad Café-3

    til it  midnig t ill sat on ttom steps, bent over miserably ing on ood s, one foot resting on tep of tairs. S for a long time. en seen in slig appears to be bot last s;I dont kno;

    quot;Im Lymon illis,quot; said the hunchback.

    quot;ell, come on in,quot; s;Some supper  in tove and you can eat.quot;

    Only a feimes in ed anyone to eat o trick t of t ter, t s ter part of ternoon. At any rate s tumpy MacP on off ed t door and looked all around to see t  to tc tore. tcase, sniffing and .

    quot;Sit do; said Miss Amelia. quot;Ill just warm up ws ;

    It oget nig grudge  of  potatoes. Miss Amelia ate slo able, bent over te,  and  braced on t smelled food in montear crept do  a little leftover tear and meant not all. table rimmed, burning blue at ting a c in tcen e carefully  bread, and t syrup over t t e. ilted back ig, and felt t arm beneatsleeves -- an unconscious   took table and jerked oaircase as an invitation for to folloer her.

    Above tore t  tremely clean. And noaking up y little ranger, come from God knoeps at a time,  t made on taircase , ted sore  of town.

    t morning oenants  ting out tobacco plants. to t blue so out early rees ligheir blossoms.

    Miss Amelia came do about daly set about er in t to see about y, planted ton, up near t to tore in t. But no one as yet  and till no one range guest. A fe Miss Amelias moter -- but to ringer. As for t it rumped-up business. And to surely s  of ter feeding  to o  tore. Miss Amelia ore for a o o puzzled and talkative.

    t day Miss Amelia did not open tore, but stayed locked up inside  tarted -- terrible t tory about unned by it tarted by a  every times  of w was w urned suddenly and said:

    quot;I kno suitcase.quot;

    atement of fact. And  to ale to up t day. In it  to s burial in treets of too prison, t old in ed ail. It rained and  to bring in tals, o Miss Amelia, even put on Sunday clot ogetreet, talking and core.

    It rue to say t all toook part in tival. t Miss Amelia, being ric go out of o murder a vagabond for a ferifles of junk. In to  t even for terest and t commotion it ail; it gave to to tentiary and being electrocuted in Atlanta. t rary in every single respect as sed to suc t t once -- t. t Miss Amelia  queer of face, raised motary man, t early in youto be six feet t natural for a  s of life oo peculiar ever to reason about. Above all, t unreasonable scandal ever to own.

    So t toy. And  for a debt, or getting ter concerning toion, a ridiculous little inside tickle, and a deep, unnamable sadness. But enoug of town was making a ernoon.

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