Chapter III.

类别:文学名著 作者:弗兰克·鲍姆 本章:Chapter III.

    he Scarecrow

    alone so feel  to t ter. So toto, and taking a pail from t doo ttle brook and filled it er. toto ran over to trees and began to bark at tting t to get   s, finding it just o  .

    t back to toto to a good drink of ter, s about making ready for to ty of Emeralds.

    Dorot t o be clean and  faded  ill a pretty   frock. tied  on ook a little basket and filled it e clotop. t  and noticed how old and worn her shoes were.

    quot;toto,quot; soto looked up into tle black eyes and o s s.

    At t moment Dorotable t o tc.

    quot;I  me,quot; so toto. quot;t to take a long  .”

    Sook off ried on tted hey had been made for her.

    Finally s.

    quot;Come along, toto,quot; s;e o ty and ask t Oz o get back to Kansas again.”

    S, and put t of oto trotting along soberly bearted on her journey.

    t it did not take o find t time soy, inkling merrily on the hard, yellow road-bed.

    t and tly, and Dorot feel nearly so bad as you migtle girl  do of a strange land.

    So see ty try   fences at ted a dainty blue color, and beyond tables in abundance. Evidently to raise large crops. Once in a o look at  by; for ev- eryone knecting ted blue, for in try of t blue e color.

    too  many men and tle fiddlers played as loudly as possible, and table near by s and nuts, pies and cakes, and many oto eat.

    ted Doroted o sup- per and to pass t  Munco celebrate tch.

    Dorote a y supper and ed upon by t   upon a settee and che people dance.

    ;You must be a great sorceress.”

    quot;; asked the girl.

    quot;Because you ce.”

    quot;My dress is blue and  t.

    quot;It is kind of you to ,quot; said Boq. quot;Blue is te is tcch.”

    Dorot knoo say to to tctle girl range land.

    ired co tty bed in it.

    ts  soundly in till morning, oto curled up on the blue rug beside her.

    Se a y breakfast, and coto and pulled ail and croly amused Dorototo y to all they had never seen a dog before.

    quot; to ty?quot; the girl asked.

    quot;I do not kno; ans;for I  is better for people to keep a it is a long o ty, and it ake you many days. try , but you must pass the end of your journey.”

    ttle, but s only t Oz could  to Kansas again, so s to turn back.

    Sarted along t sop to rest, and so climbed to top of t do cornfield beyond t far ahe ripe corn.

    Dorot- fully at ts uffed raed on it to represent a face. An old, pointed blue , t o some Munc of t of clotuffed ra s ops, sucry, and talks of corn by means of tuck up its back.

    ly into ted face of to see   one of t  s aken at first, for none of t presently ts o o it, o ran around the pole and barked.

    quot;Good day,quot; said ther husky voice.

    quot;Did you speak?quot; asked the girl, in wonder.

    quot;Certainly,quot; ans;how do you do?”

    quot;Im pretty ; replied Dorotely.

    quot;how do you do?”

    quot;Im not feeling ; said t;for it is very tedious being perc and day to scare away crows.”

    quot;Cant you get do; asked Dorothy.

    quot;No, for tuck up my back. If you ake aly obliged to you.”

    Doroted tuffed ra e light.

    quot;t; said t do;I feel like a new man.”

    Dorot t sounded queer to uffed man speak, and to see him bow and walk along beside her.

    quot;; asked tretc;And where are you going?”

    quot;My name is Dorot; said t;and I am going to ty, to ask t Oz to send me back to Kansas.”

    quot;y?quot; ;And who is   Oz?”

    quot; you kno; surned, in surprise.

    quot;No, indeed. I dont knouffed, so I  all,quot; he answered sadly.

    quot;O; said Dorot;Im awfully sorry for you.”

    quot;Do you t; ;if I go to ty  Oz would give me some brains?”

    quot;I cannot tell,quot; surned, quot;but you may come  give you any brains you han you are now.”

    quot;t is true,quot; said t;You see,quot; inued confidentially, quot;I dont mind my legs and arms and body be- ing stuffed, because I cannot get . If anyone treads on my toes or sticks a pin into me, it doesnt matter, for I cant feel it.

    But I do not  people to call me a fool, and if my ays stuffed raead of o knohing?”

    quot;I understand ; said ttle girl, o do all he can for you.”

    quot;t; efully.

    to tarted along ty.

    toto did not like tion to ty at first. uffed man as if ed t be a nest of rats in tra the Scarecrow.

    quot;Dont mind toto,quot; said Doroto ;es.”

    quot;O afraid,quot; replied t;  tra me carry t basket for you. I s mind it, for I cant get tired. Ill tell you a secret,quot; inued, as ;the world I am afraid of.”

    quot; is t?quot; asked Dorot;the Munchkin farmer who made you?”

    quot;No,quot; ans;its a ligch.”

    L. Frank Baum

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