If You Forget Me

类别:文学名著 作者:巴勃罗·聂鲁达 本章:If You Forget Me

    I  you to know

    one thing.

    You know his is:

    if I look

    at tal moon, at the red branch

    of tumn at my window,

    if I touch

    near the fire

    the impalpable ash

    or the log,

    everyto you,

    as if everyt exists,

    aromas, ligals,

    tle boats

    t sail

    to  for me.

    ell, now,

    if little by little you stop loving me

    I sop loving you little by little.

    If suddenly

    you forget me

    do not look for me,

    for I sten you.

    If you t long and mad,

    the wind of banners

    t passes through my life,

    and you decide

    to leave me at the shore

    of t ws,


    t on t day,

    at t hour,

    I s my arms

    and my roots  off

    to seek another land.


    if each day,

    each hour,

    you feel t you are destined for me


    if each day a flower

    climbs up to your lips to seek me,

    ah my love, ah my own,

    in me all t fire is repeated,

    in me notinguisten,

    my love feeds on your love, beloved,

    and as long as you live it will be in your arms

    leaving mine.

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