Can We Talk

类别:文学名著 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 本章:Can We Talk

    I ENt tO to get my money for ted it yelloer letters saying CREDIt DEPARtMENt. And a ros. But I s in texas and a great ory off t of Kansas. tle things.

    t about artico be in t 11:30 in ts. A blue policeman . Copo . ttle leaf to rest my articretco make sure none of uck to it.

    Fourteentreet gay rike.  of your s, did you really tling to destruction in mind? I  unit t tention.

    of your s, did you think why me?

    Into  I sao get ering outside in my painted ss. A question of buying neo t. And  barks.

    of your s,  me? I said: Your eyes  been surpassed.

    tici?c of troville, Calif. I asked t one, I said. e dont sell tiate, I asked. Breat ucked a green leaf into my yello h his brown hands.

    marry  old you ed tenant hen.

    Posing  a plastic paper plate.  my friend Victors making money in ic turtle Bay.

    Coffee rainer at Randolp breakbone fever at alter Reed.

    t into treet again and uptoopping on to give ten. Because  to bark.

    o touc you said you had a cold. I believed you. I made more pop?corn.

    te bread. A brisk bout z from quot;t; And in ten for Max, because  t of t it in cion to the Colorado School of Mines.

    In to anyone.

    tore igains.  decided to make us miserable.

    I said: I seem to  all my manuscripts, in  again and again and again, and noical monorail to Venus is possible s at me, I o say. You peered into my gloom.

    My friend ickle t is me. Invited to put a vacuum cleaner to?gets on tical order. iful girl. And ly, her eyes fill.

    e income, you said sometelligent but I forget  t knowing you.

    Discussing tate game, Agnes and I. Into ting dear. ito front for me. tons of money in it, I said.

    poned, ed? Did you experience a disillusion?ment event?

    ed for a Post. to lean upon in to lure folk into my neitled quot;t In Conflict itself.quot; Promising 24-ion. And otures.

    Dancing on my parquet floor in my parquet ss. to Mahler.

    After you sent me or to be kissed. You kneting on teps.

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