类别:文学名著 作者:叶芝 本章:THE SORCERERS

    In Ireland tle of tion of tastic and capricious, and fantasy and caprice o unite t t oo, no less t beings , and te and melancitude. too, t  of birto terrible veler malice. t us, it is said, day and nigs upon an old tree; and t   little practised. I ry to communicate  keep tice  in a room  admit me into t finding me not altoget of t to us,” said ts o you face to face, and in shapes as solid and heavy as our own.”

    [FN#4]  I knoter no not as muctis I tion of tastic and capricious.

    I alking of ting in states of trance  e of mind. “Yes,” I said, “I o you,” or some suc I  permit myself to become entranced, and alk of are any to be touc by talk of.” I  denying to take upon tal substance, but only t simple invocations, suco do more t to trance, and t into t, and darkness.

    “But,” ure  our bidding, and  giving t  as accurately as I can tance of our talk.

    On t arranged I turned up about eigting alone in almost total darkness in a small back room. or’s dress in an old dra left not  t of ed symbols, tain implements sones, rol tal po on a black go it did not fit perfectly, and t it interfered s considerably. took a black cock out of a basket, and cut its t ting to tion,  Englistural sound. Before  ty-five, came in, and  on a black goed  my left band. I ly in front of me, and soon began to find tered ting me in a curious ruggled  to acion continued, and not fees. t up and extinguis in t no glimmer mig under t except from t from ttural murmur of tion.

    Presently t my left s, “O god! O god!” I asked  ailed   knoer  serpent moving about ted. I sae s t t black clouds  me. I felt I must fall into a trance if I did not struggle against it, and t trance  of self, in oter a struggle I got rid of to observe o see black and  t, and tly puzzled because I did not see to table before to be gradually increasing in poo feel as if a tide of darkness ing itself about me; and nooo I noticed t t o a deatrance. it great effort I drove off t feeling to be t passing into a trance, and  love for ts, and after turned to the ordinary world.

    I said to ter added to your o t got little of importance, except t  from  tell me more, for  appeared, taken a vow of secrecy.

    For some days I could not get over tesque figures lingering about me. t Poiful and desirable, and tiful, noly grotesque, but tures in shapes of ugliness and horror.

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