Easter, 1916

类别:文学名著 作者:叶芝 本章:Easter, 1916

    I  t close of day

    Coming h vivid faces

    From counter or desk among grey

    Eigury houses.

    I he head

    Or polite meaningless words,

    Or have lingered awhile and said

    Polite meaningless words,

    And t before I had done

    Of a mocking tale or a gibe

    to please a companion

    Around t the club,

    Being certain t they and I

    But lived wley is worn:

    All cterly:

    A terrible beauty is born.


    In ignorant good-will,

    s in argument

    Until her voice grew shrill.

    voice more s than hers


    So harriers?

    t a school

    And rode our winged horse;

    ther his helper and friend

    as coming into his force;

    he end,

    So sensitive ure seemed,

    So daring and s .

    ther man I had dreamed

    A drunken, vainglorious lout.

    bitter wrong

    to some w,

    Yet I number he song;


    In the casual comedy;

    oo, urn,

    transformed utterly:

    A terrible beauty is born.

    s h one purpose alone

    ter seem

    Enced to a stone

    to trouble tream.

    t comes from the road.

    t range

    From cloud to tumbling cloud,

    Minute by minute they change;

    A sream

    Ce by minute;

    A he brim,

    And a ;

    the long-legged moor-hens dive,

    And o moor-cocks call;

    Minute by minute they live:

    tones in t of all.

    too long a sacrifice

    Can make a stone of t.

    O w suffice?

    t is , our part

    to murmur name upon name,

    As a mother names her child

    last has come

    On limbs t had run wild.

    is it but nightfall?

    No, no, not nig death;

    as it needless deater all?

    For England may keep faith

    For all t is done and said.

    e knoheir dream; enough

    to knohey dreamed and are dead;

    And w if excess of love

    Beill they died?

    I e it out in a verse -

    MacDonagh and MacBride

    And Connolly and Pearse

    Noime to be,

    herever green is worn,

    Are cterly:

    A terrible beauty is born.

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