类别:文学名著 作者:戴安娜·赛特菲尔德 本章:EVERYBODY HAS A STORY

    Anxiety, ser’s green gazes, needles me ao bed?  o t  o Emmeline? More t it is raug torments my conscience s slo out of sleep.

    knoime it is. Juditir and o my lips. I drink. Before I can speak, sleep overwhelms me again.

    time I er  my bedside, book in  cus ufts of pale y co throne for a joke.

    ed her head from her reading.

    ‘Dr. Clifton emperature.“

    I said nothing.

    ‘e didn’t kno  on. ”e couldn’t find a card. e don’t go in muc we broughe garden.“

    In t y purple flo, heady fragrance.

    ‘ hday?“

    ‘You told us. o tell me your story, Margaret?“

    ‘Me? I  got a story,“ I said.

    ‘Of course you ory.“

    ‘Not me.“ I sinct echoes of words I may have spoken in my sleep.

    Miss inter placed t he book.

    ‘Everybody ory. It’s like families. You mig kno t all t drift apart or you migurn your back on t you can’t say you  got tories. So,“ sory. o tell me yours?“

    ‘I’m not.“

    S o one side and ed for me to go on.

    ‘I’ve never told anyone my story. If I’ve got one, t is. And I can’t see any reason to change now.“

    ‘I see,“ sly, nodding ’s your business, of course.“ Surned ared into  liberty to say not is . But silence is not a natural environment for stories. t t you.“ o me. ”Believe me, Margaret. I know.“

    For long stretcime I slept, and ake tray a at seeing my leavings, yet sioned it. I  ed by t nig pursued me into sleep.


    :  Miss Emmeline ting on in years.

    ance to spell it out told me everyted to kno  .

    As for Aurelius, te. As soon as I ter. Not satisfied, I attempted anoty reed versions t I despaired at myself, I selected one at random and made a neat copy:

    Dear Aurelius,Are you all right?

    I’m so sorry about o  anyone. I  I?

    hen can I see you?

    Are ill friends?

    MargaretIt would o do.

    Dr. Clifton came. ened to my  and asked me lots of questions. “Insomnia? Irregular sleep? Nightmares?”

    I nodded times.

    ‘I t so.“

    ook a ter and instructed me to place it under my tongue, trode to to me,  do you read?”

    iter in my mout reply.

    “uts—you’ve read t?”


    ‘And Jane Eyre?“


    “Sense and Sensibility?”


    urned and looked gravely at me. “And I suppose you’ve read than once?”

    I nodded and he frowned.

    ‘Read and reread? Many times?“

    Once more I nodded, and his frown deepened.

    ‘Since childhood?“

    I  compelled by ty of his gaze, nodded once again.

    Beneato slits. I could quite see  frigients into getting  to be rid of him.

    And to me to read ter.

    People look different from close up. A dark broill a dark bro you can see t,  ferayed off in tion of emple, pointed to t  almost imperceptible flaring of trils, t tc taken it for severity, a clue t  little of me; but no from so feo me t it mig be disapproval after all. as it possible, I t, t Dr. Clifton ly laug me?

    er from my mout t afflicts ladies of romantic imagination. Symptoms include fainting, ite, los. o  in freezing rain  t of adequate erproofing, to be found in some emotional trauma. e novels, your constitution  been ions of life in earlier, uries. No tuberculosis, no cions. You’ll survive.”

    raigo slide my gaze a enough.”

    ‘I ite.“

    “L’appetit vient en mangeant.”

    ‘Appetite comes by eating,“ I translated.

    ‘Exactly. Your appetite  you must meet it   it to come.“

    It urn to frown.

    ‘treatment is not complicated: eat, rest and take tes on a pad, tore out a page and placed it on my bedside table—”and tigue ed. ”I’d like to ask you about t I suspect you  like to tell me…“

    Stonily I regarded .”


    From ted me and was gone.

    I reacion. In a vigorous scraen pages, till end of course.

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