类别:文学名著 作者:威廉·华兹华斯塞缪尔·泰勒·柯尔 本章:ANECDOTE FOR FATHERS...


    I have a boy of ?ve years old,

    o see;

    in beautys mould,

    And dearly he loves me.

    One morn rolld on our dry walk,

    Our quiet house all full in view,

    And ermitted talk

    As  to do.

    My ts on former pleasures ran;

    I t of Kilves delightful shore,

    My pleasant home, when spring began,

    A long, long year before.

    A day it was when I could bear

    to think again;

    ito spare,

    I could not feel a pain.

    My boy was by my side, so slim

    And graceful in ic dress!

    And oftentimes I talked to him,

    In very idleness.

    tty race;

    t and warm;

    quot;Kilve,quot; said I, quot; place,

    quot;And so is Liswyn farm.

    quot;My little boy, w;

    I said and took he arm--

    quot;Our ful shore,

    quot;Or  Lis;

    quot;And tell me, ;

    I said and he arm,

    quot;At Kilves smoothe green sea,

    quot;Or  Lis;

    In careless mood  me,

    ill I he arm,

    And said, quot;At Kilve Id rather be

    quot;t Lis;

    quot;Notle Edward, say why so;

    My little Edell me w;

    quot;I cannot tell, I do not kno;

    quot;range,quot; said I.

    quot;For, here are woods and green-hills warm;

    quot;t some reason be

    quot; Liswyn farm

    quot;For Kilve by t;

    At this, my boy, so fair and slim,

    hung down his head, nor made reply;

    And ?ve times did I say to him,

    quot;ell me w;


    It caug plain--

    Upon top, glittering bright,

    A broad and gilded vane.

    tongue unlock,

    And to me he made reply;

    quot;At Kilve ther-cock,

    quot;And ts t;

    O, dearest boy! my

    For better lore would seldom yearn,

    Could I but teac

    Of hee I learn.

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