类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:2

    OF Mans First Disobedience, and t

    Of t Forbidden tree, ast

    Brougo the orld, and all our woe,<dfn>http://www?99lib.net</dfn>

    itill one greater Man

    Restore us, and regain t, [ 5 ]

    Sing  on t top

    Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire

    t S taughe chosen Seed,

    In th

    Rose out of Chaos: Or if Sion hill [ 10 ]

    Delig flowd

    Fast by thence

    Invoke to my adventrous Song,

    t  intends to soar

    Above t, w pursues [ 15 ]

    ttempted yet in Prose or Rhime.

    And c, t dost prefer

    Before all temples t  and pure,

    Instruct me, for t; t

    ast present, and y spread [ 20 ]

    Dove-like satst brooding on t Abyss

    And madst it pregnant:  in me is dark

    Illumin, ;

    t to t Argument

    I may assert Eternal Providence, [ 25 ]

    And justifie to men.

    Say first, for hy view

    Nor tract of  w cause

    Movd our Grand Parents in t ate,

    Favourd of o fall off [ 30 ]

    From tor, and transgress his ill

    For one restraint, Lords of the orld besides?

    seducd to t foul revolt?

    t;  was, whose guile

    Stird up h Envy and Revenge, deceivd [ 35 ]

    t time his Pride


    Of Rebel Angels, by whose aid aspiring

    to set himself in Glory above his Peers,

    rusted to  high, [ 40 ]

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