类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:10

    Or in t posture have ye sworn

    to adore the Conquerour? who now beholds

    Che Flood

    itterd Arms and Ensigns, till anon [ 325 ]

    pursuers from es discern

    tage, and descending tread us down


    transfix us to ttom of this Gulfe.

    Awake, arise, or be for ever falln. [ 330 ]

    t, and up they sprung

    Upon t to ch

    On duty, sleeping found by whey dread,

    Rouse and bestir themselves ere well awake.

    Nor did t perceave t [ 335 ]

    In w feel;

    Yet to they soon obeyd

    Innumerable. As  Rod

    Of Amrams Son in Egypts evill day

    avd round t, up calld a pitchy cloud [ 340 ]

    Of Locusts, ern ind,

    t ore the Realm of impious Pharaoh hung

    Like Nighe Land of Nile:

    So numberless hose bad Angels seen

    he Cope of hell [ 345 ]

    t upper, nether, and surrounding Fires;

    till, as a signal givn, ted Spear

    Of t Sultan o direct


    On tone, and fill all the Plain; [ 350 ]

    A multitude, like wh

    Pourd never from o pass

    Rhe Danaw, when her barbarous Sons

    Came like a Deluge on th, and spread

    Beneater to the Lybian sands. [ 355 ]

    Forth from every Squadron and each Band

    t wood

    t Commander; Godlike shapes and forms

    Excelling ies,

    And Po earst in  on thrones; [ 360 ]

    thir Names in heavnly Records now

    Be no memorial blotted out and rasd

    By the Books of Life.

    Nor  among the Sons of Eve

    Got till h, [ 365 ]

    tryal of man,

    By falsities and lyes test part

    Of Mankind ted to forsake

    God tor, and th invisible

    Glory of  made to transform [ 370 ]

    Oft to te, adornd

    ith gay Religions full of Pomp and Gold,

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