类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:3

    inguishable fire

    Must exercise us  hope of end

    the Scourge [ 90 ]

    Inexorably, and torturing hour

    Calls us to Penance? More destroyd thus

    e se abolisht and expire.

    fear  doubt o incense

    most ire? h enragd, [ 95 ]

    ill eite consume us, and reduce

    to notial, happier farr

    to ernal being:

    Or if our substance be indeed Divine,

    And cannot cease to be,   [ 100 ]

    On thing; and by proof we feel

    Our po to disturb his heavn,

    And ual inrodes to Allarme,

    tal throne:

    Victory is yet Revenge. [ 105 ]

    he ended frowning, and his look denouncd

    Desperate revenge, and Battel dangerous

    to less ther side up rose

    Belial, in act more graceful and humane;

    A fairer person lost not heavn; he seemd [ 110 ]

    For dignity composd and :

    But all was false and ongue

    Dropt Manna, and could make the worse appear

    tter reason, to perplex and dash

    Maturest Counsels: for s were low; [ 115 ]

    to vice industrious, but to Nobler deeds

    timorous and slot he ear,

    And  thus began.

    I should be much for open arr, O Peers,

    As not bee; if w was urgd [ 120 ]

    Main reason to persuade immediate arr,

    Did not diss, and seem to cast

    Ominous conjecture on the whole success:

    excels in fact of Arms,

    In w  excels [ 125 ]

    Mistrustful, grounds his courage on despair

    And utter dissolution, as the scope

    Of all er some dire revenge.

    First, owrs of heavn are filld

    itc render all access [ 130 ]

    Impregnable; oft on the bordering Deep

    Encamp th obscure wing

    Scout farr and o t,

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