类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:16

    Son, thou in whom my glory I behold

    In full resplendence, , [ 720 ]

    Neerly it noo be sure

    Of our Omnipotence, and  Arms

    e mean to  anciently we claim

    Of Deitie or Empire, such a foe

    Is rising, o erect hrone [ 725 ]

    Equal to ours, t th;

    Nor so content,  to try

    In battel, .

    Let us advise, and to this hazard draw

    it force is left, and all imploy [ 730 ]

    In our defense, lest unawares we lose

    tuarie, our hill.

    to w and cleer

    Lightning Divine, ineffable, serene,

    Made answer. Mighy foes [ 735 ]

    Justly  in derision, and secure

    Laug at tumults vain,

    Matter to mee of Glory, we

    Illustrates, whey see all Regal Power

    Givn me to quell t [ 740 ]

    Knoo subdue

    t in heavn.

    So spake t Satan h his Powers

    Far  on winged speed, an

    Innumerable as tarrs of Night, [ 745 ]

    Or Starrs of Morning, Dew-drops, whe Sun

    Impearls on every leaf and every flouer.

    Regions tie Regencies

    Of Serapentates and thrones

    In triple Degrees, Regions to which [ 750 ]

    All thy Dominion, Adam, is no more

    t to all th,

    And all tire globose

    Stretco Longitude; which having passd

    At lengto ts of th [ 755 ]

    tan to

    Raisd on a Mount, owrs

    From Diamond Quarries hewn, and Rocks of Gold,

    t Lucifer, (so call [ 760 ]

    t Structure in t of men

    Interpreted) er, he

    Affecting all equality h God,

    In imitation of t Mount whereon

    Messia of heavn, [ 765 ]

    tain of tion calld;

    For train,

    Pretending so commanded to consult

    About t reception of thir King,

    to come, and  [ 770 ]

    Of counterfeted truthir ears.

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