类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:1

    ALL nighe dreadless Angel unpursud

    till Morn,

    akt by th rosie hand

    Unbarrd tes of Lighere is a Cave

    it of God, fast by hrone, [ 5 ]

    and darkness in perpetual round

    Lodge and dislodge by turns, whrough heavn

    Grateful vicissitude, like Day and Night;

    Lig ther dore

    Obsequious darkness enters, till her houre [ 10 ]

    to veile t well

    Seem the Morn

    Suc heavn, arrayd in Gold

    Empyreal, from before  Night,

    S t Beams: whe Plain [ 15 ]

    Coverd teld Squadrons bright,

    Cs and flaming Armes, and fierie Steeds

    Reflecting blaze on blaze, first met his view:

    arr , and found

    Already known w  [ 20 ]

    to ed: gladly t

    Among those friendly Powers who him receavd

    itions loud, t one

    t of so many Myriads falln, yet one

    Returnd not lost: On to the sacred hill [ 25 ]


    Before t supream; from whence a voice

    From midst a Golden Cloud thus milde was heard.

    Servant of God,

    tter fig maintaind [ 30 ]

    Against revolted multitudes the Cause

    Of trutier they in Armes;

    And for testimonie of trut born

    Universal reproaco beare

    thy care [ 35 ]

    to stand approvd in sighough orlds

    Judgd t now

    Remains t of friends,

    Back on to return

    t depart, and to subdue [ 40 ]

    By force, whir Law refuse,

    Righir King

    Messia of merit Reigns.

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