类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:3

    exalted as a God

    tate in  C sate [ 100 ]

    Idol of Majesty Divine, enclosd

    ith Flaming Cherubim, and golden Shields;

    ted from hrone, for now

    t  and  but narro,

    A dreadful intervall, and Front to Front [ 105 ]

    Presented stood in terrible array

    Of he cloudie Van,

    On ttel ere it joynd,

    Satan  and ie strides advanct,

    Came to and Gold; [ 110 ]

    Abdiel t sig, wood

    Among tiest, bent on  deeds,

    And ted  explores.

    O  suc

    S remain, wie [ 115 ]

    Remain not; rengt

    tue fails, or  prove

    ; to sight unconquerable?

    rusting in ties aide,

    I mean to try, wrid [ 120 ]

    Unsound and false; nor is it aug just,

    t e of truth won,

    Ses alike

    Victor; tis contest and foule,

    o deal  so [ 125 ]

    Most reason is t Reason overcome.

    So pondering, and from his armed Peers

    Fortepping opposite,

    tion more

    Incenst, and thus securely him defid. [ 130 ]

    Proud, art t? to

    thy aspiring unopposd,

    throne of God unguarded, and his side

    Abandond at terror of thy Power

    Or potent tongue; fool, not to think how vain [ 135 ]

    Against tent to rise in Arms;

    of smallest t end

    Armies to defeat

    tarie hand

    Reac at one blow [ 140 ]

    Unaided could  thee, and whelmd

    t t

    All are not of train; th

    Prefer, and Pietie to God, then

    to t visible, when I alone [ 145 ]

    Seemd in to dissent

    From all: my Sect t, nooo late

    imes may know, whousands err.

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