类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:23

    S despaire

    Broke off t; so mucs

    ertaind, as did h pale.

    But Adam hing swayd, [ 1010 ]

    to better tentive minde

    Labouring o Eve replid.

    Eve, tempt of life and pleasure seems

    to argue in thing more sublime

    And excellent t temnes; [ 1015 ]

    But self-destruction t, refutes

    t excellence t in thee, and implies,

    Not tempt, but anguis

    For loss of life and pleasure overlovd.

    Or if t deatmost end [ 1020 ]

    Of miserie, so to evade

    tie pronounct, doubt not but God

    hen so

    to be forestalld; muc Death

    So snatc exempt us from the paine [ 1025 ]

    e are by doom to pay; rats

    Of contumacie

    to make deat us seek

    Some safer resolution, whinks

    I o minde h heed [ 1030 ]

    Part of our Sentence, t thy Seed shall bruise

    ts eous amends, unless

    Be meant, wure, our grand Foe

    Satan, w rivd

    Against us t: to crush his head [ 1035 ]

    ould be revenge indeed; w

    By deat on our selves, or childless days

    Resolvd, as t; so our Foe

    S ordaind, and wee

    Instead shall double ours upon our heads. [ 1040 ]

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