类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:7

    Lament not Eve, but patiently resigne

    justly t lost; nor set t,

    t hine;

    t lonely, hee goes [ 290 ]

    to follo bound;

    ive soile.

    Adam by the cold sudden damp

    Recovering, and terd spirits returnd,

    to Michus his humble words addressd. [ 295 ]

    Celestial, whrones, or namd

    Of t, for such of shape may seem

    Prince above Princes, gently  tould

    t else in telling wound,

    And in performing end us; w besides [ 300 ]

    Of sorroion and despair

    Our frailtie can sustain, tidings bring,

    Departure from t

    Recess, and onely consolation left

    Familiar to our eyes, all places else [ 305 ]

    Inable appeer and desolate,

    Nor knowing us nor known: and if by prayer

    Incessant I could o che will

    Of  cease

    to wearie h my assiduous cries: [ 310 ]

    But prayer against e Decree

    No more availes t the winde,

    Bloifling back on  breat forth:

    to  bidding I submit.

    t afflicts me, t departing hence, [ 315 ]

    As from his face I shall be hid, deprivd

    nance; ,


    Presence Divine, and to my Sons relate;

    On t ree [ 320 ]

    Stood visible, among these Pines his voice

    I  tain talkd:

    So many grateful Altars I would reare

    Of grassie terfe, and pile up every Stone

    Of lustre from the brook, in memorie, [ 325 ]

    Or monument to Ages, and thereon

    Offer s smelling Gumms and Fruits and Flours:

    In yonder nether orld where shall I seek

    appearances, or foot step-trace?

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