Chapter 42

类别:文学名著 作者:萨·约翰尼 本章:Chapter 42

    Li Jin stood in tor as a croering ed around  rap pure and simple.  of ter. If tor ing for rouble.  ttons on tor and ton  o someo t if tanding at trance of tor on to do t.

    ttention o tor buttons. A sign next to ttons announced t t  and an underground parking lot. tor doors uck or doors. It  it o t, aors.

    Li Jin folloion signs as o s onese. today, ting to.  running as o side but someine and  interior of to a ureless concrete  smoke. A unnel to t suggested an exit. A pos o t confirming .  t running upo creep up  used to strenuous pivity.

    C did ? ed to a s casually glancing at  just a curious fello likely. Li Jin alrusted incts and t. Besides, it ter to be safe to be sorry. tunnel. co ts of yet anoted anotunnel. rapped. Li Jin moved aside just in time missing botions of an inco a  and blasted his horn in anger.

    Li Jin emerged into a busy tsimssui backstreet.  it ran parallel to Natrereet. Li Jin ran doo find t tly young people. to-pop and advertising blaring out of poo t beating violently.


    ter  Li Jin’s nerves on tenter going to be easy but ermined to pull it off. Additional precautions needed to be taken.

    ied  ation Citizen c en sign t indicated toilets. toilet ant.  a long time in t ted omacs to interrupt t transfer unit. tteries  ions in Beijing. Excellent.

    a gun, just in case, from some tailor ssimssui’s many alley felt strange and  if called upon to use it in defense of rigger. oo many movies for t to t of o place.  slip from  and placed t in anots. o go. turned  inside-out just in case till hanging around

    Li Jin paid t taurant and took te to oreets of Jordan and t past Koation to Austin Road. Senses on , ered tin Road entrance and moved briskly past tc about to decide t ts covered tering of birds in tion.  moving trolling around thing seemed fine.

    Li Jin moved to ture alk featuring on by Sir Eduardo Paolozzi. ime to study it but o give it a cursory glance.  c of time but ted  location from e t tivity of Natranquil interior of Ko  secluded areas from ed spot. A couple of lovers ering nearby but too busy canoodling to pay tention.

    Li Jin paused for a fees to steady . o t for Krac tly against . hy was he so nervous? Someone picked up.

    “Kracantly.  spoken Englis sounded o his ears.


    “I he merchandise. here are you?”

    “In my el. I ing for your call.”

    “OK. Come to Korance next to traigo t spotted t ers a receiver. tely sounded Russian. It was Krac.

    “the Russian asked incredulously.

    “Yes. t easily enougo ter of the maze.”

    “OK, if you say so.”

    “Yes, and be teen minutes othe deal is off.”

    “You h you?”

    “Of course. It will be nearby.”

    “If t make it out of and me?”

    “Sure. Fifteen minutes.”

    Li Jin ed.


    t ted Li Jin going door in ter. cs of t looked aurbed. to a PLA database of tion and performed a query on everytold  tric pulses racing to erialized in   matc udent po probably taken years ago al camera but takable. types  on.

    briskly descended to t o face recognition mode. iny cameras on tor coming to. No matcill dorapped in t. Yet, tors. One of . tor.

    tly turned round and brusor to taken ion in front of tor doors on ted.  movement. A quick strike to t  limp and carry t to one of ts. to be disposed off some t  academic.

    tor opped at to be found. to t and combed to t urtle s a small dessert stall, donned ally logged into yet anotment system in Beijing, one t monitored all communications data by tire populace of Cructed an AI to analyze tions, feeding it ters for Li Jin and hong Kong.

    A feer ts flas in Kooday at approximately 6.08PM for tum neuroprocessor. te e-mail and pions. tant data. t on the assassin’s shades.

    Oleg Kracel, Kowloon. Room 2006. Sunday Mobile Phone: 923313882.

    Li Jin. Unknown residence. Unknown China Mobile Beijing SIM card.

    t and to the quarry.

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