类别:文学名著 作者:查尔斯·兰姆 本章:CONFESSIONS OF A DRUNKARD

    Deations from trong liquors e topic of sober declaimers in all ages, and er-drinking critics. But ient  is to be cured, unfortunately t tain. No force can oblige a man to raise o  is as easy as not to steal, not to tell lies.

    Alas! to pilfer, and tongue to bear false ness, itutional tendency. tions indifferent to t t instance of t off  a murmur. tc a figure in speecongue of tural deligrut omed to scatter traries. But -----

    Ourdy moralist, tout nerves and a strong ouc tten, first learn  virtuously mingle ion. trample not on t not, under so terrible a penalty as infamy, a resuscitation from a state of deat as real as t from  by a miracle.

    Begin a reformation, and custom  easy. But  steps not like climbing a mountain but going t if tem must undergo a c as t ion of form in some insects? o flaying alive be to be gone t sinks under sucruggles to be confounded inacity itutional necessity, no engagement of tim, body and soul?

    I  state, o abstain but for one evening,-- tion o bring back its first encments, t en it,-- in truggle, and ty  of getting rid of t sensation at any rate, I o scream out, or cry aloud, for trife hin him.

    ate to declare, t to make to mankind. I see ting from t is to my oure alone I am accountable for t I  upon it.

    I believe t titutions, robust ;  all events iful a measure, can do no  to muddle ties, pered. t laug a rying rengtest,  sucic exercises are dangerous. It is to a very different description of persons I speak. It is to to t of some artificial aid to raise ts in society to c it. t of our drinking. Suc fly t instance, if t mean to sell term of life.

    tieto t time pretty mucude. My companions  one or tamp. I rose early,  to bed betimes, and ties  rust in me unused.

    About t time I fell in  order. terous spirits, sitters up a-nigants, drunken; yet seemed to  t about t, or  after midnigy called fancy I certainly possessed a larger s up for a professed joker! i ted for sucion, ion to test difficulty imes of finding o express my meaning, a natural nervous impediment in my speech!

    Reader, if you are gifted o any cer but t of a . ickling relisongue disposing you to t sort of conversation, especially if you find a preternatural floting in upon you at t of a bottle and freso it as you est destruction. If you cannot crus ake for suc it, give it some ote an essay, pen a cer or description, -- but not as I do noears trickling down your cheeks.

    to be an object of compassion to friends, of derision to foes; to be suspected by strangers, stated at by fools; to be esteemed dull ty, to be applauded for ty emporaneous exercise of t faculty ion can give; to be spurred on to efforts ; to be set on t provoke mirtred; to give pleasure and be paid ing malice; to silled into airy breato tickle vain auditors; to mortgage miserable morroe  back in little inconsiderable drops of grudging applause,-- are th.

    time,  dissolving all connections , more kind to me taste or penetration, at lengto ty of my first friends. No trace of t but in troduced, and ts till, and exercise ample retribution for any supposed infidelity t I may y of tohem.

    My next more immediate companions   tally tance o me, I do not kno if to do over again, I so esc ting t. I came to teams of my late over-ed notions of companionsest fuel o feed my old fires into a propensity.

    t one, from professional s, and anotom derived from obacco. t le trap to re-take a backsliding penitent. transition, from gulping do innocuous blasts of dry smoke, e. s us at barter; and  off a ne an old infirmity, tis odds but t s trick upon us of t (comparatively) obacco broughan himself.

    It inent to carry t first  liquor, I took my degrees tronger er, to tions er continually, until t to none, and so to none at all. But it is eful to disclose ts of my tartarus.

    I sy of believing me, o tell t tobacco o me, to it. o quit it, a feeling as of ingratitude arted up;   upon personal claims, and made t casually in a book, as or in t;Complete Anglerquot; breaks  upon a morning pipe in t delicate room Piscatoribus Sacrum,  broken doance of ill to realise it,-- s ascending vapours curled, its fragrance lulled, and terings conversant about it, employing every faculty, extracted ting it came to darken, from a quick solace it turned to a negative relief, to a restlessness and dissatisfaction, to a positive misery.  stands confessed in all its dreadful truto it beyond tion. Bone of my bone-----

    Persons not accustomed to examine tives of tions, to reckon up tless nails t rivet t, or pere as to, may recoil from ture. But esting friends, a ing o goodness, to ?

    I  after Correggio, in o a man  bound to t of a tree. Sensuality is soot is nailing o a branc tant of time is applying a snake to , tion of past ration of present pleasures, languid enjoyment of evil ter imbecility to good, a Sybaritic effeminacy, a submission to bondage, tantaneous, or tter forerunning tion-all ted in one point of time. er. But , because I t of my oion.

    Of t t it sers  out of t to all t set a foot in to ering upon some neo my desolation, and be made to understand  is ion and o stop it, and yet to feel it all ting from o perceive all goodness emptied out of  not to be able to forget a time o bear about teous spectacle of  nigs repetition of t of o be delivered,-- it s mantling temptation; to make eeth

    and not undo em

    to suffer Et DAMNAtION to run thro em.

    Yea, but (met) if sobriety be to understand, if ts of a cool brain are to be preferred to t state of ed excitement  you do not return to ts from  not h recovering?

    Recovering!-- Oransport me back to t from t clear spring could slake any s ir up in turn to t, t! In my dreams I can sometimes fancy t purling over my burning tongue. But my omacs it. t w.

    But is t total abstinence and t you may never attain to my experience,  utter trut t I can find. In my stage of  (I speak not of s less confirmed-for some of to be most prudential), in tage op s of t measure o draorpor and sleep, tic sleep of to aken none at all. t t is, I , trial. o kno, ate in ion: for it is a fearful trut tellectual faculties, by repeated acts of intemperance, may be driven from tion, t ministries, until t at last to depend, for t manifestations of ting energies, upon turning periods of tal madness to ion. tervals. Evil is so far his good.*

    [Footnote] * ed  picture, rembling er in tive steadiness o go task, in an imperfect manner, to a temporary firmness derived from a repetition of practices, t of werribly.

    Be period of life, reduced to imbecility and decay.  my gains, and ts w cup.

    t I titution (for a endency to any malady as it o be. I scarce kne o ail anyt e pains or aches.

    At t time I er six in ter. I as in my o  feeling er stretc to t possible extent, is a forecast of t lies before me,  wis I could ill, or never awaked.

    Life itself, my y, of an ill dream. In time I stumble upon dark mountains.

    Business, ed to my nature, yet as somety to be gone t undertaken o enter upon y, nos, and am ready to give up an occupation y test commission given me by a friend, or any small duty o a tradesman, amp;c., s me as a labour impossible to be got tion are broken.

    ttends me in all my intercourse  promise t a friends  to tion are deadened hin me.

    My favourite occupations in times past noo entertain. I can do notion for ever so s a time kills me. tract of my condition  long intervals, tempt at connection of t, o me.

    ted me in ory or poetic fiction, noears, allied to dotage. My broken and dispirited nature seems to sink before anyt and admirable.

    I perpetually catcears, for any cause, or none. It is inexpressible y adds to a sense of serioration.

    tances, concerning  it  alh me.

    S up t?

    I am a poor nameless egotist, o consult by t tention, if oucold  I am come to. Let op in time.

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