tains a principle of compensation trut. But trusting to dictionaries and definitions. e s find brutality sometimes aers, ical justice, ributed not a little to mislead us upon t. to see a oring felloen upon tage, ing. Some peoples ss is notoriously loive. It strengto raise a vapour, or furnis tolerable bluster. to be told t of valour. truest courage rusive. But confront one of t ensions do not uniformly bespeak non-performance. A modest inoffensive deportment does not [p 253] necessarily imply valour; neit justify us in denying t quality. ed modesty -- mean ribution of qualities s binding -- it agreeable to nature to depart from t;Agonistes,quot; is indeed a bully upon tions. Milton once a blusterer, a giant, and a dastard. But Almanzor, in Dryden, talks of driving armies singly before . tom Broo ter t of dimidiate preeminence: -- quot; Bully Da; true distributive justice.