chapter 5

类别:文学名著 作者:辜鸿铭 本章:chapter 5

    Noo t of sympato t sympatic or true elligence, making le. Let us next put to test. Let us see   only detacs sucrations I  also general ceristics he Chinese people.

    First of all let us take t, t. No is a  t ced persons among foreigners in Ced persons.  is ted persons t, ellectual education of Europe, tellect. In fact, ted foreigners find it so difficult to learn Coo educated, too intellectually and scientifically educated. As it is said of t may also be said of t;Unless you become as little c learn it. quot;

    Next let us take anot in t is  of t is: t and not  s poing as glue, can retain tter tellect ance, also for t   in mature life. As c and not he head.

    Let us next take anotted fact in teness. t en been remarked, a peculiarly polite people. Norue politeness? It is consideration for te because, living a life of t, t makes it easy for to sion for teness of t elaborate like teness of t is, as tifully express it, la politesse du coeur, teness of t. teness of te, is not so pleasing, and I , because it is eness learnt by  as in a trical piece. It is not a spontaneous politeness . In fact teness of t fragrance, e Cment_instar unguenti fra-grantis_ w.

    Last of all, let us take anoteristic of ttention to ion, viz. :_ of exactness. No of exactness in t. t is a very delicate and sensitive balance. It is not like tellect, a iff, rigid instrument. You cannot  teadiness, ness as you can ellect. At least, it is extremely difficult to do so. In fact, t brusaken as a symbol of t is very difficult to e or dra, but , you , e and dray and grace eel pen.

    Nos connected  any knos, I t t.

    No is because t, t tive in many of t is a remarkable fact t for a people ion, to tive in many of t is t s of C tion and t tion is a stagnant one. Nevert must be admitted t, as far as pure intellectual life goes, to a certain extent, a people of arrested development. ttle or no progress not only in t also in tract sciences sucics, logic and metap;sciencequot; and quot;logicquot; in t equivalent in t, aste for tract sciences, because in t and feelings are not engaged. In fact, for everyt engage t and feelings, sucables of statistics, ting to aversion. But if tables of statistics and tract sciences fill to cut up and mutilate to verify a scientific th repugnance and horror.

    tellectual life goes, are to a certain extent, a people of arrested development. to t. In t, tion, are to t day, a nation of c t is important you s tion of c,  a poionality ive people, a poionality  problems of social life, government and civilisation ure to say  and modern nations of Europe  been able to attain_a success so signal t tically and actually to keep in peace and order a greater portion of tion of tinent of Asia under a great Empire.

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