chapter 4

类别:文学名著 作者:辜鸿铭 本章:chapter 4

    No trike you in type of y is t term  icated creature. take a man of t class of tion in C ty in  t, ty. In fact, t seems to me, ;gentle.quot; By gentleness I do not mean softness of nature or ;ty of t; says te Dr. D. J. Macgo;is not ty of a broken-ed, emasculated people. quot; But by t; gentlequot; I mean absence of  of anytrue Cype of y an air, so to speak, of a quiet, sober, cened melloal. Indeed tions of a real C redeemed, at least softened by ty of gentleness in  t t tancy in y. tupid, but ty in upidity. t ty in   to say is, t even in ts and blemiser of ts you. It is seldom t you ype, wively repulsive.

    I say t total impression  le, t le. y of inexpressible gentleness in t it is t of a combination of telligence. I ype of y to a domesticated animal. No ed animal so different from a  is someticated animal ively  inctively inguis is animal? It is intelligence. But telligence of a domesticated animal is not a telligence. It is not an intelligence o inct, sucelligence of telligence elligence , of t t may be called elligence of a domesticated animal is somete different from telligence. telligence of a domesticated animal is an intelligence inct, but from sympattac. A tands er not because udied Englisinct for t because taco er. t I call elligence, as distinguiselligence. It is ty ed from  is tic and true elligence, ype of y, to tleness.

    I once read someement made by a foreigner  t knorue. But, I t  is  t t taste for try. te of t of s of cleanliness and refinement, in spite of ts of mind and cer, makes foreigners like tleness, softens and mitigates, if it does not redeem, ts of ts of foreigners. tleness again is, as I ried to s of ic or true elligence_an intelligence inct, but from sympat is t of the Chinese people?

    I o give you an explanation_a o call it so_of t of tion is trong po  feeling in tion  feeling in tion or ion  of our nature_t or soul. Indeed I may say  tion or ion, a life of t imes to neglect more t to do, even ts of t is true explanation of ty of to ts of unclean surroundings and  of refinement. But t is neithere.

    t_a life of emotion or ion. Let me  of all, give you trations of . My first illustration is ter of tun-yen, Mr. Liang told me, ment of toms taotai of  o become a great mandarin, to ton, and ,  because ton, not because , _and  because ed to rejoice, because tion and advancement of  of on. t is _a life of emotion or ion.

    My otration is tcoms told me  ; and  tend to  nursed ion imate friend or near relation. Indeed I t  only of t, but of t;Muc; tanding of ts and blemiss and in ter of t  is attracted to t, or, as I said, live a life of t_a life of emotion or ion.

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