chapter 25

类别:文学名著 作者:辜鸿铭 本章:chapter 25


    All foreigners o learn C C language. But is C language? Before, ion, let us understand  mean dialects,_in Cten language. No upon inct, spoken and ten languages? I  one time in Europe ten language, to tinct classes, ted and ted. ted, and tten language is ted. In ted people do not exist in try. t is t upon ed people in a country. Look at Europe and America to-day. In Europe and America since, from tin, tinction betten language ed people ed people, ion, liberty, neutrality, militarism and panslavinism  in t understanding  Prussian Militarism is a danger to civilisation. But to me it seems, ted man, ted men in to-day, is to civilisation. But t is neithere.

    Noo come to tion: is C language? My ans us first take t only not difficult, but as compared  I kno language in t, _Malay. Spoken C is an extremely simple language. It is a language  case,  tense,  regular and irregular verbs; in fact  grammar, or any rule  people o me t C even because of its simplicity; even because it ,  be true. Malay like C grammar or rules; and yet Europeans  find it difficult. tself and for t least is not a difficult language. But for educated Europeans and especially for ed Europeans ed men;

    in fact t in saying t C. C advice to my foreign friends o leam C;Be ye like little c only enter into t you o learn C;

    e noo tten or book language, ten C  me say t kinds of ten Cegories and call t  t, in my opinion, is not a satisfactory classification. tion, I tten Chinese; official uniform

    C dress Co use Latin, call tera communis or litera officinalis (common or business Cera classica minor (lesser classical Cera classica major (higher classical Chinese).

    Noicle on Cy years ago for tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis,_I then said:

    quot;Among Europeans in Cion of a feois or tion of a  once entitles a man to call ;quot;t; I said, quot;of course no raterritoriality clause in treaty, an Englisy call  pleases ; No to say  an asset of civilisation is stored up in t portion of Cerature ure in full court dress C of civilisation, because I believe t terature is somettry, quot;refine tural man: transmute ; In fact, I believe terature o transform one day even tural men riots, but ing instincts of ransform to peaceful, gentle and civil persons. No of civilisation, as Ruskin says, is to make mankind into civil persons y and fighting.

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