chapter 26

类别:文学名著 作者:辜鸿铭 本章:chapter 26

    But revenons a. nos moutons. Is tten C language? My ansten C I  dress C difficult, because, like the spoken or colloquial

    C is extremely simple. Alloo saken at random remely simple, ten C dress uniform, is. take is a poem of four lines from try of tang dynasty describing o make in order to protect tion against the poem in Chinese are:

    ed into English word for word mean:

    S care self,

    Five t dust;

    Alas! uting riverside bones, Still are Spring chambers dream inside men!

    A free Englishis:_

    to sive soil or die:

    Five taselled knights, sable-clad,

    All dead no lie.

    Alas te bones t bleach cold

    Far off along ting stream,

    Still come and go as living men

    he loved one  s dream .

    No yle, yle and ideas: and yet ,  is.

    In order to erature, _deep t and deep feeling in extremely simple language, _you  books in all terature of t ake tance:quot; y become a ! t places are disloyal traitors and companions of ts and fol-loer re t;(Is. I -), or t:_quot;I  t t;  a picture! ture of tate of a nation or people. Do you see ture before you no, if you  to erature e men, can civilise mankind, you o terature of to Cerature. But ill living to-day.

    But noo sum up  to say on tten C language. It is difficult, not because it is complex. Many European languages sucin and Frenc because t not because it is complex, but because it is deep. It is difficult because it is a language for expressing deep feeling in simple language. t is t of ty of t, as I : a poetical language. t is tter in prose ten in classical Cry. In order to understand ten Chinese, especially

    dress C ure, _t and tellect equally developed .

    It is for t for people ion, C, because modern European e-ducation developes principally only one part of a man s nature_ellect. In ot to a man ion, because Cion, ity ty, is apt to make a man sed people, even t. For ed people it may be said of t is easier for a camel to go to understand ten Ced people. In s, ten C because it is ted people and real education is a difficult t as t;all beautiful t. quot;

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