类别:文学名著 作者:叶芝 本章:A TELLER OF TALES

    Many of tales in told me by one Paddy Flynn, a little brig to say, “t gentle”—y Sligo.” Ot,  second to Drumcliff and Druma time I saime  I could see in  as t, ion of tinctive natures and of all animals.

    And yet to depress riple solitude of age, eccentricity, and deafness,  about mucered by c  ance, of telling o-day, mot. “orse,” replied to-morro. t day Collumcille came again, and exactly tion took place, but tter, t replied, “May you be better to-morroelling  t day alike o unceasing flames. range sigo keep o make  t annoyed oo if ,” er, batting ts hands.”

    I  of Paddy Flynn, erations, from a note-book ales and sayings, sly after seeing  te-book regretfully, for t ttle of  times, t of so muc ent for some days and then died.

    imes, could not bear t teller of tales, and unlike our common romancers, kney ory, faeryland and earto people ories.  live in a s kneance t simplicity and amplitude of imagination.  is literature but t? And are t moods ed eart moods ogeto set ts to to t to t of rocks? Let us go fortellers of tales, and seize  long for, and s, everytrue, and ttle dust under our feet.

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