类别:文学名著 作者:叶芝 本章:BELIEF AND UNBELIEF

    ters even in tern villages. One old me last Cmas t s believe eits.   ion got up by t to keep people good; and gs  be permitted, so go “trapsin about t t ttle leprecer- also a man attooed upon ly similar beliefs and unbeliefs. No matter s one never doubts to me, “tand to reason.”

    Even t escape th.

    A little girl  about t once great excitement in t  taken o ruggled to  at last t a broomstick. table o, and  once instituted a o- time advised to burn all to t t burning table repeating spells ttle girl ory goes, aken  distance, riding on a faery  last sried to keep ing do—sucopsy-turvydoms of faery glamour—in a cocklesioned t to die sly in the village.

    Perable ter doubtless to believe muctle truto deny for denial’s sake trut even a ruso guide our steps, not even a poor soo dance before us on t needs fumble our o t emptiness o so great evil if tle fire on our ever of excellent come to self,  say too fiercely, even to t kno t our oter trut ruto , and make t o the world again, wild bees, wild bees!

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